Wellbeing Matters

When pupils join the Junior School, we do all we can to ensure they settle in quickly, make friends and enjoy their new environment. They are assigned an older buddy who writes to them in the summer term before they arrive in September and the pair are given activities to complete together such as playing patball or reading in the library together. Wellbeing is part of the general practice of the school as a whole. Pupils are encouraged to nominate each other for a kindness leaf and these are announced by our Junior School Prefects as they are awarded in our Celebration Assembly. Around the school, we also promote a shared language for kind behaviour founded on two principles: the effect of others’ emotions and offering a ‘choice of consequence’, emphasising that pupils have control over their actions and decision-making. Wellbeing circle time is used to develop trust and empathy between pupils and teachers and it is a time to share issues that concern them as well as thinking about feelings and

managing difficult emotions. Sessions are planned in detail, covering relevant themes to promote pupils’ emotional literacy. Circle times are also valued as a vehicle to improve speaking and listening skills, extend powers of concentration and enhance relationships. It is also a time to encourage respect, value differences and to develop confidence and self-esteem. ‘ In the Junior School we have a Kindness Tree which was made for us by members of the Senior School. It takes pride of place in the hall - pupils nominate each other for a kindness leaf and these leaves are awarded in our Celebration Assembly and placed on the tree.’ The Wellbeing curriculum also promotes a sense of community and considers issues that affect it such as homelessness, human rights and pollution. Pupils work together to explore issues and identify actions so that they develop their understanding of their local, national and international community as responsible, caring citizens.


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