Southern Regional Assembly RSES LowRes


The transition to a low carbon future (see also Chapter 5) will see entire sectors of the economy undergo radical changes and create new types of enterprises and jobs. Our Region has enormous potential for renewable energy as well as becoming a global leader in the bio-economy. This will require investment in new skills, as well as appropriate assistance and incentives to enable enterprise to make the transition. BIO-ECONOMY The NPF highlights the potential of the bio-economy in promoting a more efficient use of renewable resources and supporting economic development and employment in rural Ireland. The National Policy Statement on the Bio-economy (March 2018) mandated the establishment of an interdepartmental bio-economy implementation group to take forward a number of major actions, in close collaboration with bio-economy industries and other partners.

RPO 56

Low Carbon Economy a. The RSES recognises the urgency to transition to a low carbon future and it is therefore an objective to accelerate the transition towards low carbon economy and circular economy through mechanisms such as the Climate Action Competitive Fund; b. It is an objective to develop enterprises that create and employ green technologies; c. Local authorities should ensure that the development of green industry and technologies incorporates careful consideration of potential environmental impacts at project level including the capacity of receiving environment and existing infrastructure to serve new industries; d. Local authorities shall include objectives in statutory land use plans to promote energy conservation, energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources in existing buildings, including retro fitting of energy efficiency measures in the existing building stock, energy efficiency in traditional buildings and initiatives to achieve Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings (NZEB) standards in line with the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD). e. It is an objective to support investments in energy efficiency of existing commercial and public building stock with a target of all public buildings and at least one-third of total commercial premises upgraded to BER Rating ‘B’. Local authorities shall report annually on energy usage in all public buildings and will achieve a target of 33% improvement in energyefficiency inall buildings inaccordance with the National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NEEAP).

RPO 57

National Policy Statement on Bio-economy It is an objective to support the National Policy Statement on Bio-economy (2018), subject to the implementation of mitigation measures outlined in the SEA and AA undertaken where necessary and the exploration of opportunities in the circular resource-efficient economy including undertaking a bio-economy feasibility study for the Region to identify areas of potential growth (including opportunities presented in the EU Bio-economy Strategy updated in 2018 for urban bio-economies and piloting circular bio economy cities) to inform investment in line with the national transition objective to a low carbon climate resilient and circular economy.

RPO 58

Bio-economy and Rural Areas It is an objective to facilitate the development of the rural economy through supporting a sustainable and economically efficient agricultural and food sector, together with the bioeconomy, subject to required environmental assessment processes where necessary and balanced with the importance of maintaining and protecting the natural landscape.

Southern Regional Assembly | RSES


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