Southern Regional Assembly RSES LowRes

Good Practice Example: Strategic Integrated Framework Plan (SIFP) for the Shannon Estuary The Shannon Estuary forms the largest estuarine complex in the country; it is Ireland’s premier deepwater port and is a national economic and environmental asset. The Strategic Integrated Framework Plan (SIFP) for the Shannon Estuary is a land and marine based framework plan to guide the future development andmanagement of the Shannon Estuary. It has identified an additional 1,200 hectares for marine related development (9 no. strategic development locations) by building on existing industry connectivity and synergy as well as the existing infrastructure to create a more sustainable and attractive network for further investment. Significant tracts of land have been zoned for marine- related industry in Counties Clare, Limerick and Kerry because of the preparation of the SIFP and these sites present prime opportunities for employment- generating development in the Region. The Clare MEZ (Maritime Economic Zone) project for Cahiracon is a wave and offshore renewable energy test-site initiative by Clare County Council to provide specialist infrastructure, accommodation and development space for a range of different maritime-related niche businesses. The aim of the facility will be to provide mandatory maritime training courses and value- added training for non-seafaring personnel taking up positions at sea. There is significant opportunities to grow the Blue Economy through offshore wave and wind renewable energy in the Shannon Estuary and the west coast of County Clare, reflecting the key natural assets of wave andwind energy, together with the presence of gridconnections. The zoned lands at Tarbert/Ballylongford in North Kerry with extant planning for strategic energy and marine related industry including the Shannon Gas LNG project are a further example of the regional and national potential of the location. The SIFP requires marketing and promotion support both from a financial and expertise perspective.

RPO 77

Maritime Spatial planning - Consistency and Alignment

It is an objective to support the integration of different uses in the marine environment and ensure consistency and alignment between high-level plans such as the National Marine Planning Framework, regional based approaches to maritime spatial planning and localised coastal management plans and local integrated coastal zone management plans. It is important to be cognisant of the need to promote cross- boundary management of coastal areas within the Region. Any development of plans in coastal zones should be informed by the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment.

RPO 78

First Mover under the National Marine Planning Framework It is an objective to support the sustainable development of the potential of the marine environment, to foster opportunities for innovation in the maritime economy and drive forward the Region as a first mover under marine spatial planning while preserving the environmental and ecological conservation status of our marine natural resource. Initiatives arising from this objective shall be subject to robust feasibility and site selection, which includes flood risk assessments and explicit considerationof likely significant effects on European sites and potential for adverse effects on their integrity in advance of any development. The RSES encourages close interaction between higher education, state agencies, and enterprise to position the Region as a leader in this field.

RPO 79

b. It is an objective to promote the SIFP initiative as a good practice model for the Southern Region and to seek the preparation of similar initiatives for Cork Harbour and Waterford Harbour between the relevant stakeholders. c. It is an objective to support the promotion, marketing and seeking of financial and expertise support for the Strategic Integrated Framework Plan (SIFP) for the Shannon Estuary and specific projects emerging there from. d. Such initiatives shall be subject to the relevant environmental assessment requirements including SEA, EIA SFRA and AA as appropriate.

Shannon Estuary and Other Harbour Plans a. The RSES recognises the national and international importance of the Shannon Estuary, its potential to attract multinational development and the significant work that has been undertaken to progress its promotion and development. It is an objective to support and promote the delivery of the Strategic Development Locations as set out in the SIFP for the Shannon Estuary subject to the implementation of mitigation measures outlined in the SEA and AA undertaken on SIFP and zoned in the Local Authority Development Plans.

Southern Regional Assembly | RSES


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