Southern Regional Assembly RSES LowRes

Transition to a low carbon economy and society The transition to a low carbon future will require a wide range of responses across the public and private sectors and in communities to change how we use energy at home, in our work and how we travel. The NPF emphasises that the planning process is well placed to implement and integrate climate change objectives. Fundamental to the RSES is a change to more sustainable settlement patterns. The focus on compact growth, placemaking, sustainable transport, and focus on the sustainable location of development will bring fundamental benefits to climate change mitigation. A number of locations have been identified as Key Change Locations in driving innovation and a low carbon economy, for example: • Enniscorthy – UN Centre of Excellence on Carbon Emissions; • National Bio-economy Hub in Lisheen, Thurles Co. Tipperary. Key Change Locations for transitionwill provide a lead on climate action and further locations will be identified and developed as part of the Regional Decarbonisation Plan. The RSES supports measures outlined in the Climate Action Plan 2019. Supporting actions will focus on renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable transport, agriculture and forestry and climate resilience through flood defences . Our actions on decarbonisation will be linked to the implementation of the crosscutting measures in the Climate Action Plan 2019, the National MitigationPlan and the NationalAdaptationFramework in conjunction the work of the Climate Action Regional Offices (CARO).

The Climate Action Plan 2019 provides the lead on actions to address these issues. It builds on the framework established by the National Mitigation Plan and sets out ambitious actions and targets to achieve decarbonisation. It also reflects Ireland’s commitment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and SDG 13 in particular, ‘to take urgent action to combat climate change and impacts’. The Climate Action Plan 2019 re-affirms the National AdaptationFramework as themain policy response to the challenges of climate change and the Regional Assembly will work in partnership with the Climate Action Regional Offices (CARO) to support the development of long-term solutions and extensive adaptation measures. The Regional Assembly is committed to implement regional policy consistent with the Climate Action Plan 2019. Comprehensive policies are set out in this section across the three priority areas identified in the Strategy in Chapter 2 – decarbonisation, climate resilience and resource efficiency.

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Low Carbon Energy Future The RSES is committed to the implementation of the Government’s policy under Ireland’s Transition to a LowCarbonEnergyFuture 2015-30 andClimate Action Plan 2019 . It is an objective to promote change across business, public and residential sectors to achieve reduced GHG emissions in accordance with current and future national targets, improve energy efficiency and increase the use of renewable energy sources across the key sectors of electricity supply, heating, transport and agriculture.

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National Mitigation Plan and National Adaptation Framework The RSES is committed to the implementation of the National Mitigation Plan and National Adaptation Framework: Planning for a Climate Resilient Ireland to enable the Region transition to a low carbon, climate resilient and environmentally sustainable economy. It is an objective to ensure effective co-ordination of climate action with the Climate Action Regional Offices and local authorities to implement the National Mitigation Plan and the National AdaptationFramework in the development and implementation of long-term solutions and extensive adaptation measures.

Southern Regional Assembly | RSES


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