Southern Regional Assembly RSES LowRes

River Basin Management Plan 2018-21 The second River Basin Management Plan (RBMP) 2018-21 is planned on the basis that Ireland is defined as a single River Basin District. With effective implementation of the Plan, Ireland can expect to see actions to improve water quality in over 700 water bodies. Changes in agricultural approaches and an increase in urban waste-water treatment should lead to reduced pollution pressures.

RPO 121

Effective Collaboration to Implement River Basin Management Plans and Water Framework Directive It is an objective to: a. Ensure a cross-agency collaborative approach to implementing the River Basin Management Plan. Planning authorities will be consistent with the Plan through their land use plans and strategies; b. Ensure effective co-ordination between the requirements of the Floods Directive and the Water Framework Directive; c. Promote a catchment-based approach to water management to facilitate cross boundary collaboration and shared responsibility at a regional level. The RSES supports bottom-up community initiatives through the integrated catchment management approach. The RSES recognises that there are opportunities for a collaborative regional approach to address issues such as invasive species. d. The RSES supports the work of the Local AuthorityWaters Programme in promoting an integrated approach to catchment management as part of the implementation of the RSES.

Key measures include:

• Planned investment by IrishWater of approximately €1.7bn in waste-water projects, programmes and asset maintenance; • The deployment of 43 local authority investigative assessment personnel, who will work in prioritised areas for action; • A new collaborative Sustainability and Advisory Support Programme between Government and the dairy industry; • Improved controls for the management of water abstractions; • The extension of the grant scheme for repairs, upgrade and replacement of domestic waste-water treatment systems, with priority given to high-status catchments; • The creation of a Community Water Development Fund to support community water initiatives; and • The development of a collaborative approach to protecting drinking-water sources.

Southern Regional Assembly | RSES


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