Southern Regional Assembly RSES LowRes | Our Region’s Airports

RPO 147

Economic Opportunities of Ports It is an objective for all ports in the Region to: • Protect the marine related functions of ports in the Region including landside accessibility to ensure the future role of ports as strategic marine related assets is protected from inappropriate uses. Harness sustainable economic opportunities from the ocean economy and the role of Ports in the region in realising the full potential of the ocean economy. Particular regard should be had to the Government’s integrated plan for the marine industry – Harnessing Our Ocean Wealth (2012), the National Marine Research and Innovation Strategy 2017-2021 (Marine Institute Ireland, 2017), and Ireland’s Ocean Economy (NUIG, 2017), as well as the Marine Strategy Framework Directive and Ireland’s Programme of Measures; and Ireland’s forthcoming National Marine Planning Framework subject to the implementation of mitigation measures outlined in the SEA and AA undertaken where necessary;

The Southern Region has two of the three State airports (Cork and Shannon) and two of the four regional airports (Kerry and Waterford). National policy recognises the importance of aviation to Ireland and is committed to maximising its potential for the wider economy 18 . All airports have a mandate to promote the development of their region. National aviation policy supports the role of regional airports to assist and distribute tourism and FDI business throughout the regions and recognises the challenges they face when located close to larger State airports. The future of these airports are impacted by the EU Guidelines on State Aid to Airports and Airlines. It is important that our regional airports identify opportunities for attracting new business within their niche markets and that long-term viability is identified and supported, in partnership with relevant regional, tourism and industry bodies. The Metropolitan Area Strategic Plans (MASP) for Cork, Limerick-Shannon and Waterford, presented in Volume 2, provides further policies and objectives relating to national and regional airports.

Support the role of ports, where appropriate, in facilitating the sustainable development and operation of off-shore renewable energy development; Support sustainable and appropriate enabling infrastructure development to harness our ocean wealth at regional and local levels including grid, pier and port facilities to support renewable energy and export potential; Undertake feasibility studies to determine the carrying capacity of ports in relation to potential for likely significant effects on associated European sites including SPA and SAC; Port development in the Region must adhere to the European Commission guidelines on the Implementation of the Birds and Habitats Directives in Estuaries and Coastal Zones in order to protect the European Sites around them; Any economic activity which utilises the marine resource shall also have regard to Ireland’s obligations under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) which requires achieving and maintaining Good Environmental Status (GES) of coastal and marine waters (comprising both the water column and the seabed beneath it).

RPO 148

National Aviation Policy It is an objective to: a. In line with EU Guidelines on State Aid, seek investment to sustainably deliver actions under National Aviation Policy for Ireland that strengthen and develop the economic role of the national airports of Cork and Shannon and the regional airports of Kerry andWaterford; b. Protect the functions of airports in the Region

including landside accessibility to ensure the future role of airports through land-use management of land-side areas to focus on the current and future needs of the airports; To engage with DTTAS to ensure timely delivery of the legislation implementing Regulation (EU) 598/2014 relating to noise.


18. A National Aviation Policy for Ireland, Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport 2015

Southern Regional Assembly | RSES


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