6.3.5 | Regional Policy Objectives for the Integration of Transport Planning with Spatial Planning Policies
RPO 151
e. Land use development in smaller rural towns will optimise public transport and sustainable travel integration within settlements. Public transport interchange will be facilitated to encourage modal shift to public transport and sustainable travel between settlements and on approach to settlements. The strategic transport function of national roads will be maintained and protected in accordance with national policy; f. All non-residential development proposals will be subject to maximum parking standards as a limitation to restrict parking provision to achieve greater modal shift; g. In locations where the highest intensity of development occurs, an approach that caps car parking on an area-wide basis will be applied; h. Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles will be integrated into developments; i. The design of all roads and streets within the urban areas, including suburbs, towns and villages within the 60 kph zone shall be as per the Design Manual for Urban Roads and Streets, being the designated appropriate road design standards for such locations. j. The protection of the Natura 2000 networks and the ecological linkages connected to the Natura 2000 network.
Integration of Land Use and Transport The following principles of land use and transport integration will guide development: a. For urban-generated development, the development of lands, within or contiguous with the existing urban areas will be prioritised over development in less accessible locations; b. Residential development will be carried out sequentially, whereby lands which are, or will be, most accessible by walking, cycling and public transport– including infill and brownfield sites – are prioritised; c. Larger scale, trip intensive developments, such as offices and retail, will be focused into central locations highly accessible by sustainable transport modes; d. New employment and residential development will be consolidated and intensified in a manner which renders it serviceable by public transport and ensures that it is highly accessible, by walking, cycling and public transport. Within the Metropolitan Areas of Cork, Limerick-Shannon and Waterford, except in limited planned circumstances, trip intensive developments or significant levels of development will not occur in locations which are not well served by existing or proposed high capacity public transport;
Southern Regional Assembly | RSES
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