Southern Regional Assembly RSES LowRes

RPO 152

• To the extent practicable, proposals for right of way extinguishments will only be considered where these do not result in more circuitous trips for residents accessing public transport, or local destinations; • Cycle parking will be appropriately designed into the urban realm and new developments at an early stage to ensure that adequate cycle parking facilities are provided and designed in accordance with cycle parking design guidelines; • For all major employment developments and all schools, travel plans with a strong emphasis on sustainable travel modes will be conditioned as part of planning permissions and be carried out in a manner consistent with published NTA guidance; • Where space or other constraints prevent the full implementation of the provisions of the Design Manual for Roads and Streets, local authorities should be allowed to make their best reasonable efforts in the interests of providing accessibility for pedestrians and cyclists where inability to fulfil the requirements of the manual might otherwise mean that no accessibility improvement at all could be achieved; • Support engagement with representatives of disability rights associations by local authorities when planning accessibility works to ensure that the perspective of vulnerable road users is taken into account.

Local Planning Objectives It is an objective to: • Deliver a high level of priority and permeability for walking, cycling and public transport modes, increasing with place context value as per the provisions of the Design Manual for Roads and Streets, to create accessible, attractive, vibrant and safe, places to work, live, shop and engage in community life; • Measures to facilitate the complementary use of private car, through appropriate local traffic management including the siting of destination car-parking, is central to achieving the correct balance of modal use; • Planning at the local level will prioritise walking, cycling and public transport by maximising the number of people living within walking and cycling distance of their neighbourhood or district centres, public transport services, and other services at the local level such as schools; • New development areas will be permeable for walking and cycling and the retrospective implementation of walking and cycling facilities shall be undertaken where practicable in existing neighbourhoods, to a give competitive advantage to these modes; • Where possible, developments will provide for filtered permeability. This will provide for walking, cycling, public transport and private vehicle access but at the same time will restrict or discourage private car through trips;

An example of an approach to achieving the above objectives is the ‘10 minute’ settlement concept, whereby a range of community facilities and services are accessible in short walking and cycling timeframes fromhomes or are accessible by high quality public transport to services in larger settlements.

RPO 176 in Chapter 7 Quality of Life supports the 10 Minute City and Town concepts.

Southern Regional Assembly | RSES


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