Southern Regional Assembly RSES LowRes

RPO 153

Capacity of Inter-Urban Road Connections

It is an objective to protect, improve and maintain the operation of the National and Strategic Regional inter-urban road connections within and between the cities, settlements, ports and airports by providing effective policies in Local Authority County Development Plans (CDP), Local Area Plans (LAP) and Strategic Development Zones (SDZs) promoting effective traffic management and transport demand management. It is a requirement for CDP’s, LAP’s and SDZ’s to consider all alternative modes and public transport options in tandem with traffic demand options.

RPO 154

Land Use Plans Land-use plans shall ensure integration of transport and land use planning informed by the guiding principles expressed in the RPO for Integration of Land Use and Transport Planning .

RPO 156

Managing and Enhancing Transport Assets

Steady State Investment It is an objective to strengthen Steady State Investment in our existing regional transport networks to ensure that existing networks are maintained to a high level to ensure quality levels of safety, service, accessibility and connectivity to transport users of all transport modes.

The management, maintenance and improvement of the Region’s transport infrastructure is a key consideration, to ensure that the safety, capacity and the efficiency of the networks are maintained and factored into the capital funding process.

Local Transport Plans To give local expression to the regional-level transport strategy and to provide for local implementation of national and regional-level land-use and transport policies across the Region, Local Transport Plans (LTP) will be prepared by local authorities for the key towns, based on the Area Based Transport Assessment (ABTA) guidance produced by NTA and TII 19 . LTPs will be based on a clear set of objectives and the most recent demographic and travel information. LTPs will include priorities for each settlement in terms of public transport infrastructure and services, cycle investment, improvements to the pedestrian environment and road enhancements. The policies, objectives and measures which emerge from the LTPs will be incorporated into the relevant statutory land use plans pertaining to each settlement.

RPO 155

Managing the Region’s Transport Assets

It is an objective that the capacity and safety of the Region’s strategic land transport networks will bemanagedand enhanced including through the management of travel demand to ensure their optimal use. Enhancement to existing land transport networks shall be subject to robust feasibility, route selection, environmental assessment and planning processes that reduce impacts on the environment; • Promote engagement between local authorities, stakeholder agencies and government departments for effective management of the Region’s strategic land transport networks.


Southern Regional Assembly | RSES


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