Southern Regional Assembly RSES LowRes

Strategic Vision 2.1 | Setting the Context for our Region’s Vision


The RSES vision for the Southern Region is led by the need for transformative change. By 2040, the population of the Region will most likely grow by 380,000 people to reach almost two million. This growth will require new homes and new jobs. It also raises questions as to where our future population will live and work, what kind of quality of life will we enjoy and how we can adapt to the challenges we face such as climate change, regional disparity and global uncertainty. An unchecked “business as usual” scenario will diminish our quality of life, our environment, erode our competitiveness and compound regional disparity. There is a need for a different approach to planning for the future.

The RSES builds on our strengths and potential to become a more prosperous, sustainable, climate resilient and attractive region for the benefit of all its people. The Region is well-placed to capitalise on this fresh approach. We have a diverse region with significant assets for building sustainable population and economic growth, improved quality of life and place, regional parity, and a sustainable environment. Our society is constantly changing. We are more outward-looking and globally-minded. Our population structure is changing, our households are getting smaller, women are having children later in life, and we are living longer. A considerable portion of our population is international and all of these factors will contribute to the forecasted economic and population growth. We also face significant challenges. The current trajectory toward sprawling, low density growth has been detrimental to many of our places and people. Other challenges include ongoing migration of people, jobs and services to the Greater Dublin Area, continued environmental challenges, disparity between where people live and work, household deprivation in urban and rural areas and exacerbated rural and village decline. Our rural areas face considerable problems supporting employment in the face of declining services.

Southern Regional Assembly | RSES


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