Southern Regional Assembly RSES LowRes | Walking and Cycling Active walking and cycle infrastructure will support active health initiatives and healthy communities, encourage transition to sustainable modes of travel, promote sustainable mobility and significantly assist our transition to a lower carbon society.

RPO 174

• Alternative “quiet” routes must be established and signposted for cycling and walking to improve the experience and uptake of active travel; • All significant development proposals shall be required to provide a Quality Audit, as referred to in the Design Manual for Roads and Streets; • Place walkability and accessibility by walking mode as a central objective in the planning and design of all new developments/new development areas, transport infrastructure and public transport services; • Enhance pedestrian facilities in all urban areas in the region; • Support sustainable pedestrian and cyclist greenway initiatives and the potential for inter connections between greenways subject to robust site selection processes and environmental assessment processes; • Support accessibility to walking routes for people with disabilities; • A buffer distance shall be maintained between walking, cycling, Greenway and Blueway corridors and from coastal areas, particularly those subject to current and future erosion, as well as rivers and canals to ensure protection of riparian zones; and • Such initiatives shall commit to feasibility and route selection studies with a view to identifying and subsequently avoiding high sensitivity feeding or nesting points for birds and other sensitive fauna.

Walking and Cycling The following walking and cycling objectives are supported and will guide investment subject to the required appraisal: • Delivery of the cycle network set out in the three regional cities’ metropolitan area Cycle Network Plans, inclusive of key commuter routes and greenways subject to SEA and AA where required; • Delivery of cycle routes, Greenway and Blueway corridor projects (subject to appropriate site selection and environmental assessment processes), having regard to the Strategy for the Future Development of National and Regional Greenways July 2018; • Delivery of high-quality safe cycle route network across the Region and cycling environments (applicable to cities, towns and villages) with provision for segregated cycle tracks; • Development of a safe cycling infrastructure to cater for the needs of all groups of cyclists, especially new cyclists, school children, elderly etc; • Safe walking and cycle routes especially in the approach to schools; • Greenways in the Region shall be linked up to a network to improve connectivity within the Region for walking routes and commuter cyclists in addition to recreational amenity functions; • Creating a safer environment for pedestrians and cyclists off the arterial roads shall be supported by large scale 30 km/h limits (except for main arterial roads) and adequate junction re-design; • A cycle network that is coherent, continuous and safe, particularly when going through busy junctions;

Southern Regional Assembly | RSES


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