Southern Regional Assembly RSES LowRes

7.1.6 | A Learning Region Learning plays a significant role in promoting social inclusion, a healthy, sustainable society, economic growth, public safety and environmental protection. The Region is competing globally to build on Ireland’s growing reputation for innovation. Ensuring a citizen’s skills base, to succeed in life and business, is critical to securinggreatereconomic resilience. The National Skills Strategy 2025 states:

RPO 185

New School Facilities It is an objective to support a planned approach to location of school facilities in accordance with the DoHPLG Guidance document The Provision of Schools and the Planning System , such that both proposed locations and existing schools are accessible by cycling/walking from the main catchment areas and accessible by public transport with appropriate safe facilities within reasonable access of public transport and active travel modes. Local authorities should also consider measures that could improve sustainable accessibility to existing school facilities by cycling/walking accessibility or public transport. Local authorities should ensure that a robust site selection process is followed in the selection of new school locations taking into account proximity to community developments such as community centres, playing fields, libraries etc. so that the possibility of sharing facilities can be maximised. New educational development/infrastructure should be informed by anticipation of demand for student capacity and Local authorities should ensure that decision- making is informed by an appropriate level of environmental assessment.

“A well-skilled, adaptable and

innovative workforce can underpin improved living standards for all over the longer term. The availability of skilled talented people is one of Ireland’s key international differentiators in the attraction of foreign direct investment. It also drives the success of our indigenous enterprise base, from innovative start- ups through small employers critically located throughout the country to scaling firms with high growth potential.”

The World Economic Forum’s report The Future of Jobs , points to disruptive changes to business models as having a profound impact on the employment landscape over the coming years. Changes will range from significant job creation to job displacement and from heightened labour productivity to widening skills gaps. In many sectors, the most in demand occupations or specialties did not exist ten or even five years ago, and the pace of change is set to accelerate.

Southern Regional Assembly | RSES


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