Southern Regional Assembly RSES LowRes

RPO 192

RPO 194

Cultural Policies and Objectives Local Authority Development Plans, Local EnterpriseCommunityPlans andLocalAreaPlans should include cultural policies and objectives supporting the sustainable development of enabling infrastructure including: • Workspaces for cultural uses; • Delivery and optimisation of high-speed broadband to support the digital media and remote working;

Arts, Heritage and Culture It is an objective to advocate for investment in infrastructure and initiatives that develop the role of arts, heritage, culture within our Region and communities and assist delivery of actions under arts, heritage and cultural strategies in our Local authorities, including funding streams outlined in Project Ireland 2040 Investing in our Culture , Language and Heritage 2018-2027 and Heritage 2030 . Local authorities should ensure that decisions relating to investment in arts, cultural and heritage infrastructure and facilities should be informed by an appropriate level of environmental assessment.

Support investment in training and education initiatives for cultural employment opportunities;

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Provision and upgrade of cultural facilities;

Support the adaptation and bringing back into use of heritage buildings; Where large scale housing is planned, to ensure adequateprovision ismade for a range of community facilities including cultural facilities. Local authorities should ensure that decisions relating to upgrades/re-use of buildings for developments incorporating cultural and creative sector space and facilities are informed by an appropriate level of environmental assessment including undertaking studies where regeneration / building projects may have the potential to affect protected species.

RPO 193

Collaborative Regional Partnerships It is an objective to develop collaborative regional partnerships to: a. Enhance opportunities for the development of cultural and creative strategy across county sub-regional boundaries, in conjunction with the Regional Assembly, Fáilte Ireland and other public bodies, agencies and government departments; b. Seek support and investment towards a vibrant network of local/community hubs, based around the Region as locations for collaboration and creativity.

Southern Regional Assembly | RSES


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