Southern Regional Assembly RSES LowRes

7.2.4 | Economic Development in the Gaeltacht A fundamental role of An tÚdarás is consolidating the economic foundation in Gaeltacht areas. Mindful of the socio-linguistic distinction of the Gaeltacht, an tÚdarás provide measures to promote the Gaeltacht’s competitive advantages for enterprise. The provision of high quality broadband and mobile communications services is essential to this role.AntÚdarás represents the Gaeltacht areas in the Atlantic Economic Corridor and also performs the role of Enterprise Ireland and Local Enterprise Office in the Gaeltacht. An tÚdarás also supports and co-funds renewable energy initiatives such as the Regional Renewable Energy Programme and the LECo Interreg Project.

RPO 196

Gaeltacht It is an objective to support the development of a network of economic and social infrastructure to address the remote locations of the Gaeltacht, including: • The identification of Gaeltacht areas as economic loci and support for the role of Údaras na Gaeltachta in developing economic strengths and opportunities in the Gaeltacht and mechanisms to support access to employment and social enterprise;

The development of the Gaeltacht network of digital hubs; Support for the development and upgrading of regional enterprise infrastructure and accommodation for the Gaeltacht and provision of appropriately located zoned and serviced lands to support enterprise space; Local authorities should ensure that decision- making relating to the development of social and economic infrastructure including the development of communications and renewable energy are informed by an appropriate level of community consultation and environmental assessment.

RPO 195

Language Plans It is an objective to support designated lead organisations and other public bodies in the preparation of language plans as the key language planning framework for Gaeltacht development in each of the designated Language Planning Areas and Gaeltacht Service Towns. Lead organisations and other public bodies shall support communities in centralising the position of Irish in society and normalising use of Irish through the development of language plans.

RPO 197

Irish language Networks It is an objective to support the designation of suitable locations as Irish language Networks in recognition of community development work in the use of Irish in communities outside of the Gaeltacht.

Southern Regional Assembly | RSES


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