Southern Regional Assembly RSES LowRes

7.2.5 | Regional Recreational and Sporting Facilities Our parks, sporting arenas and facilities are essential to the quality of life of all our communities. The quality of recreational and sporting facilities contributes to good physical and mental health, sporting achievement and excellence and to wider social, cultural and economic benefits for our communities. The RSES supports the development of new regional- scale recreational and sporting facilities including new stadiums and provision of public parks and green areas. In addition, the RSES supports the development of new and upgraded local sporting and recreational facilities. partner organisations should seek to provide for a range of open space and sporting and recreational facilities to include: Local authorities and • Formal open space (passive) as a relaxed setting for visual amenity purposes, for walking, sitting and generally enjoying landscapes and nature; • Informal (active) open space or recreational areas designed for greater physical movement and sporting activities; • Access and co-operative arrangements for use of open spaces belonging to privately managed or community/voluntary clubs and organisations and often not readily open for public use; • Provision for full accessibility to sporting and recreational areas and facilities; • Sustainable linkages to nearby communities and neighbourhoods including provision of new or enhanced cycling and walking routes.

RPO 198

Sport and Community Organisations

It is an objective to support investment in sport and community organisations in the Region through the Sports Capital Programme including development of shared local and regional sports and community facilities by local authorities. Local authorities shall support the vision and objectives of the National Sports Policy, including working with local sports partnerships, clubs, communities and partnerships within and beyond sport, to increase sport and physical activity participation levels locally.

RPO 199

Larger Sports Projects It is an objective to support investment in the sustainable development of larger sports projects in the Region under the Large-Scale Sports Infrastructure Fund. Local authorities should ensure that decision-making in relation to the development of recreational and sporting infrastructure is informed by an appropriate level of environmental assessment.

7.2.6 | Development of Trails, Walkways & Linear Parks The National Trails Office provides development of strategy at national level to stimulate and facilitate the promotion of recreational amenities and the development of newwalking and cycling routes 26 . The RSES supports this strategy and the development of opportunities for improved access for walking to coastal areas, uplands and urban and rural waterways. It is recommended that competent authorities and community groups follow the principles set out in the Irish Trails Strategy and that the planning and development of walking and cycling routes are informed by an appropriate level of environmental assessment.

In conjunction with local sporting organisations, local authorities and other public bodies should work to facilitate the following objectives.

26. Irish Trails Strategy,

Southern Regional Assembly | RSES


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