Southern Regional Assembly RSES LowRes

7.2.7 | Development of Greenways, Blueways & Peatways

RPO 201

National Trails, Walking Routes, Greenway and Blueway Corridors

It is an objective to support investment in the development of walking and cycling facilities, greenway and blueway corridors within the Region between our Region’s settlements and the potential for sustainable linkages to create interregional greenways. Proposals for investment in walking and cycling facilities, greenway and blueway corridors should be based on rigorous site/route selection studies and Local authorities should ensure that decision-making in relation to such developments is informed by an appropriate level of environmental assessment, including all necessary reports to assess the potential impact on designated European sites and on biodiversity outside of formal protections such that proposed development does not contribute to loss of biodiversity. Local authorities and other public agencies shall seek to promote and support access to rural areas including upland areas, forestry, coastal areas and the development of existing walking routes, pilgrim paths, mountain trails and nature trails in conjunction with other public bodies, representative agencies and community groups and shall identify and protect existing paths, walkways and rights of way.

The RSES supports the development of Greenways, Blueways and Peatways including initiatives to extend existing routes and links to regional and national networks, ports and other transport hubs. Opportunities to develop new greenways along abandoned or disused railways should still allow for future rail use if feasible at a later stage. In addition to existing regional good practice such as the Waterford Greenway, examples of strategic inter- regional greenway initiatives are emerging across the Region including the South Kerry Greenway and the North Kerry Greenway with opportunities to connect with the Great Southern Trail in Limerick.

RPO 200

RPO 202

Green Infrastructure and Recreation

Natural Heritage, Biodiversity and Built Heritage assets It is an objective to support initiatives that enhance and protect our Region’s unique natural heritage, biodiversity and built heritage assets, recognising the contributionwhich education and outreach can play in developing understanding of biodiversity and heritage in our communities. Such initiatives should secure funding to support projects in the Region in line with the National Biodiversity Action Plan.

It is an objective to support investment in the on-going maintenance and enhanced facilities in existing green infrastructure and support the provision of new public parks, green space in tandem with projected population growth to create green, healthy settlements throughout our Region. Local authorities shall identify the potential locations of new public parks and open spaces jointly (withneighbouring local authorities) and individually to develop both regional scale recreational open space and local parks and open space. Local authorities should ensure that decision-making in relation to the development of new or enhanced Green Infrastructure and new public parks and facilities is informed by an appropriate level of environmental assessment.

Southern Regional Assembly | RSES


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