Southern Regional Assembly RSES LowRes

RPO 203

Revitalisation of Historic Cores It is an objective to promote the initiatives of local authorities, the Heritage Council, local communities, heritage property owners and other stakeholders pursuing the revitalisation of historic cores in our cities, towns and villages. Local authorities should ensure that visitor pressures do not impact negatively on the capacity of local services (including water, waste water) or facilities such as car parking. In this regard, heritage-led initiatives shall consider historical setting /landscape character and potential for negative effects related to visitor pressures. Local authorities should ensure that decision-making on heritage-related projects and developments are informed by an appropriate level of environmental assessment including assessment of impacts on other environmental receptors such as protected species.

RPO 204

Better Public Access It is anobjective to promote initiatives that provide better public access for abled and disabled visitors to our historic, built and natural environment. Local authorities should ensure that decision making on projects/ development to improve public access and facilities are informed by an appropriate level of environmental assessment.

RPO 206

Architectural Heritage It is an objective to protect architectural heritage in statutory plans including a record of protected structures (RPS) and identification of groups of buildings/localities suitable to designation as Architectural Conservation Areas (ACAs). Local authorities should provide for monitoring and review of the RPS and ACAs including measures to prevent dereliction and to support re-use of built heritage.

RPO 205

Built Heritage It is an objective to support targeted investment in the built heritage of our Region including the Built Heritage Investment Scheme and Historic Structures Fund to assist owners maintain our built heritage assets.

RPO 207

Archaeological Investigation Where proposed development may have implications for recorded archaeological monuments /sites, zones of archaeological potential, or undiscovered archaeology, local authorities should ensure that decisions relating to development (including infrastructure associated with broadband, telecommunications and renewable energy installation of services installation andmajor road/rail infrastructure) are informed by an appropriate level of archaeological investigation undertaken by qualified persons.

Southern Regional Assembly | RSES


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