Southern Regional Assembly RSES LowRes

8.1 | Sustainable Management of Water Supply and Waste Water Needs

The Water Services Guidelines for Planning Authorities 2018, sets out how the planning system will relate to and informthe planning anddelivery ofwater services by Irish Water (the national provider of public water services) at a national, regional and local level. Irish Water have a key role in supporting appropriately located development and the delivery of NPF and RSES policies and objectives. The Guidelines require that the quantum, location and distribution of planned development must have regard to the capacity of public water services and seek to make efficient use of existing and planned water services infrastructure. Key priorities are to ensure targeted investment to enable growth at appropriate locations, and that development is phased such that water services infrastructure is delivered in a timely manner to enable infrastructure led sustainable growth patterns.

water services infrastructure projects will be required within the lifetime of the RSES (and some beyond its lifetime) to support planned development and maintain and improve existing services.

These include but are not limited to:

• Water Supply Project for the Midlands and Eastern Region including key enabling infrastructure to benefit communities adjacent to the pipeline route in accordance with the sustainable approach set out by the NPF (NSO 9). • Water Supply in Cork City including City Centre, Docklands, Ballyvolane and North City Area, new network to improve interconnectivity between the Lee Road WTP and the city. Provision of treated water storage for the Ballincollig area. • Western Environs Trunk Main in Kilkenny City to cater for the large future development of the Western Environs of the City. • Limerick City & Environs PWS to Shannon/ Sixmilebridge RWSS Interconnector. • Wastewater pumping station and rising main from Midleton to Carrigtohill and from Killumney to Ballincollig. • Cork Lower Harbour Main Drainage Project.

In addition to current projects it is anticipated that, subject to availability of funding, a number of significant

Southern Regional Assembly | RSES


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