Southern Regional Assembly RSES LowRes

8.1.1 | Water Supply

• Drainage Area Plans for Limerick city & suburbs, Waterford city & suburbs, Cork city & suburbs, Midleton, Ballincollig, Dungarvan, Wexford, Kilkenny, Tralee, Killarney, and some smaller settlements. • Upgrade of Ballina/Killaloe effluent treatment plant • Upgrade of Nenagh effluent treatment plant. • Upgrade of Clonmel water treatment plant. Based on national population growth targets (Volume 3 Appendix 1) and input from the RSES, Irish Water has identified the need to review the projects on the draft investment plan to take account of increased growth rates. Necessary upgrades will be identified in Irish Water’s 2020-24 Investment Plan and subsequent plans (subject to available funding and Irish Water’s additional obligations in addressing environmental drivers and constraints). Refer to Chapter 5 for RPOs supporting water resources and water quality. The RSES supports the work of the Local Authority Waters Programme to achieve the objectives of the EU Water Framework Directive and the River Basin Management Plans.

Irish Water is preparing for the future by developing the National Water Resources Plan (NWRP). This planwill outlinehowwemove towards a sustainable, secure and reliable public drinking water supply over the next 25 years. The NWRP will outline how Irish Water intends to maintain the balance between our supply from water sources around the country and demand for drinking water over the short, medium and long-term. A statutory consultation process will be undertaken in preparation of the Plan.

General initiatives and priorities to enhance water supply will include:

1. Water supply projects in the Region as part of Irish Water’s current Capital Investment Plan, and current Networks and Capital Programme portfolio; 2. Investment in projects under leakage reduction programmes in all counties through Service Level Agreements between Irish Water and local authorities; 3. Water conservation campaign; 4. Protect the source of public and group scheme water supplies by the inclusion of Groundwater Source Protection Plans in local authority development plans and the provisions of future plans to be developed for Drinking Water Protection Areas identified under the WFD; 5. Strategic water services through IrishWater’s NWRP to move towards a sustainable, secure and reliable drinking public water supply over the next 25 years, whilst safeguarding our environment; 6. The Core Strategy approach to development should be phased according to the population and growth projects set out in the RSES and theNational Planning Framework and linked to the ability to provide the necessary critical service infrastructure.

Southern Regional Assembly | RSES


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