Southern Regional Assembly RSES LowRes

RPO 210

Drinking Water Protection Plans It is an objective to support the development of Drinking Water Protection Plans in line with the requirements of the Water Framework Directive and the current and future cycles of the River Basin Management Plans. In this regard, the RSES supports the inclusion of objectives in County Development Plans relating to the provision of mitigation and protection measures for all protected areas, including Drinking Water Protected areas and associated Source Protection Plans. 8.1.2 | Waste Water Collection and Treatment There is an urgent need to eliminate point sources of pollution caused by untreated effluent across the Region. The Irish Water Services Strategic Plan (2015), identified 44 settlements discharging untreated effluent, 24 of whichwere in the Region. Anumber of these settlements are now provided with wastewater treatment and Irish Water is aiming to upgrade the remaining settlements by the end of 2021. Achieving compliance with the EU Urban Waste Water Treatment (UWWT) Directive is currently the focus of Irish Water’s investment in wastewater infrastructure and is likely to continue to be so in the medium-term. All such interventions incorporate an appropriate provision for future growth. Irish Water is investing in some 113 wastewater projects in the Region in its current Capital Investment Plan as well as additional projects, included under its Capital Programmes portfolio. Future investment in the next investment plan will ensure Cork, Limerick-Shannon and Waterford Metropolitan Areas and Key Towns should have the capacity to accommodate future growth for the next 12 years. Upgrades of collection networks may be required to accommodate new development in specific localised areas. The upgrading of 64% of relevant treatment plants in the Region to meet UWWT Directive requirements are included in the current Capital Investment Plan 2017- 21, although a number will run into the next investment cycle 2020-24.

RPO 208

Irish Water and Water Supply It is an objective to: a. Support the implementation of Irish Water Investment Plans (prepared in five-year cycles) and subsequent investment plans and seek such plans to align the supply of water services with the settlement strategy and objectives of the RSES and Metropolitan Area Strategic Plans for Cork, Limerick- Shannon and Waterford; b. Support the role of Irish Water Investment Plans in taking into account seasonal pressures on critical service infrastructure, climate change implications and leakage reduction in the design of all relevant projects; Deliver and phase services, subject to the required appraisal, planning and environmental assessment processes and avoid adverse impacts on the integrity of the Natura 2000 network; d. Local Authority Core Strategies shall c. demonstrate compliance with DHPLGWater Services Guidelines for Planning Authorities and demonstrate phased infrastructure led growth to meet demands on the water supply, suitability of new and/or existing drinking water sources (for example hydro morphological pressures) and prevent adverse impacts on the integrity of water dependent habitats and species within the Natura 2000 network.

RPO 209

Strategic Water Supply Projects It is an objective to support investment and the sustainable development of strategic water supply projects by Irish Water and relevant local authorities, arising from initiatives including Investment Plans, 25 Year Water Supply Plans for our Region’s cities and metropolitan areas, leakage reduction programmes and initiatives through the National Water Resources Plan subject to appropriate environmental assessment and the planning process.

Southern Regional Assembly | RSES


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