Southern Regional Assembly RSES LowRes

RPO 211

RPO 214

Irish Water and Wastewater It is an objective to support the implementation of IrishWater Investment Plans (prepared in five- year cycles) and subsequent investment plans, to align the supply of wastewater treatment facilities with the settlement strategy and objectives of the RSES and Metropolitan Area Strategic Plans for Cork, Limerick-Shannon and Waterford. Support the role of IrishWater Investment Plans in taking into account seasonal pressures on critical service infrastructure, climate change implications, and leakage reduction in the design of all relevant projects.

Eliminating Untreated Discharges and Long-term Planning

It is an objective to support Irish Water and the relevant local authorities in the Region to eliminate untreated discharges from settlements in the short-term, while planning strategically for the long-term in tandem with Project Ireland 2040 and the RSES and in increasing compliance with the requirements of the EU Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive.

RPO 215

RPO 212

Separation of Foul and Surface Water Networks Development Plans shall support strategic wastewater treatment infrastructure investment and facilitate the separation of foul and surface water networks to accommodate the future growth of the Region.

Strategic Wastewater Treatment Facilities a. It is an objective to support investment and the sustainable development of strategic wastewater treatment facilities by Irish Water in the Region arising from initiatives including Investment Plans, Strategic Drainage Area Plans subject to appropriate environmental assessment and the planning process. b. For the management of wastewater, increasing population growth should be planned on a phased basis in collaboration with Irish Water and the local authorities to ensure that the assimilative capacity of the receiving environment is not exceeded and that increased wastewater discharges from population growth does not contribute to degradation of water quality and to avoid adverse impacts on the integrity of the Natura 2000 network.

RPO 216

Servicing of Rural Villages It is an objective to support the servicing of rural villages (serviced sites) to provide an alternative to one-off housing in the countryside.

Refer to Chapter 5 Green Infrastructure, Water Quality, River Basin Management Plans for further emphasis and objectives on water, drainage and Sustainable Drainage Systems.

RPO 213

Rural Wastewater Treatment Programmes

It is an objective to support investment in the sustainable development of rural wastewater treatment programmes and support the initiatives of Irish Water, local authorities, communities and developers in small rural settlements to identify sustainable solutions subject to available funding for such services including the Rural Regenerat ion and Development Fund of the NDP. Investment in Rural Wastewater and Treatment Programmes will be subject to settlement hierarchies and core strategies set out in development plans.

Southern Regional Assembly | RSES


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