Southern Regional Assembly RSES LowRes

RPO 219

RPO 222

New Energy Infrastructure It is an objective to support the sustainable reinforcement and provision of new energy infrastructure by infrastructure providers (subject to appropriate environmental assessment and the planning process) to ensure the energy needs of future population and economic expansion within designated growth areas and across the Region can be delivered in a sustainable and timely manner and that capacity is available at local and regional scale to meet future needs.

Electricity Infrastructure It is an objective to support the development of a safe, secure and reliable supply of electricity and to support and facilitate the development of enhanced electricity networks and facilitate new transmission infrastructure projects that might be brought forward in the lifetime of this plan under EirGrid’s (2017) Grid Development Strategy (subject to appropriate environmental assessment and the planning process) to serve the existing and future needs of the Region and strengthen all-island energy infrastructure and interconnection capacity.

RPO 220

RPO 223

Integrated Single Electricity Market (I-SEM)

International Energy Interconnection Infrastructure It is an objective to support the sustainable deve lopment of internat iona l energy interconnection infrastructure and support the sustainable development (subject to appropriate environmental assessment and the planning process) of the Celtic Interconnector project between Ireland and France from a location in the Region.

It is an objective to support the Integrated Single Electricity Market (I-SEM) as a key priority for the Region and seek the sustainable development and reinforcement of the energy grid including grid connections, transboundary networks into and through the Region and between all adjacent Regions subject to appropriate environmental assessment and planning processes.

RPO 221

RPO 224

Renewable Energy Generation and Transmission Network a. Local Authority City and County Development Plans shall support the sustainable development of renewable energy generation and demand centres such as data centres which can be serviced with a renewable energy source (subject to appropriate environmental assessment and the planning process) to spatially suitable locations to ensure efficient use of the existing transmission network; b. The RSES supports strengthened and sustainable local/community renewable energy networks, micro renewable generation, climate smart countryside projects and connections from such initiatives to the grid. The potential for sustainable local/community energy projects and micro generation to both mitigate climate change and to reduce fuel poverty is also supported; c. The RSES supports the Southern Region as a Carbon Neutral Energy Region.

Delivery of Energy Networks Local Authorities shall work in partnership with existing service providers to facilitate required enhancement and upgrading of existing infrastructure and networks (subject to appropriate environmental assessment and the planning process) and support the safeguarding of strategic energy corridors from encroachment by other developments that could compromise the delivery of energy networks.

Refer to Chapter 5 for further references and objectives that support renewable energy and energy efficiency.

Southern Regional Assembly | RSES


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