Southern Regional Assembly RSES LowRes

Implementation, Monitoring & Evaluation


9.1 | Introduction The primary objective of the RSES is to support the implementation of the National Planning Framework (NPF) and the economic policies and objectives of the Government by providing a long-term strategic planning and economic framework for the development of the Southern Region. The objectives of the RSES are set out in accordance with the principles of sustainable development and national economic, social, environment policies. The success of the RSES rests on policy coherence at national, regional and local level and the consequential programme of investments. The RSES is a co-production. Consequently, responsibility of RSES implementation extends beyond the Southern Regional Assembly. For example, an important measure of successful implementation will be that all local authority land use plans are consistent with the RSES.

The RSES includes a development framework that sets out the context for the preparation of core strategies in local authority development plans to ensure consistency with the RSES. It will also directly influence the content of Local Area Plans (LAPs) and Local Economic and Community Plans (LECPs) which must be formulated in accordance with the RSES framework. The implementation of theMASPs will facilitate improved coordinationanddeliveryof growth in theCork, Limerick- Shannon and Waterford’s metropolitan areas. This will provide significant benefits for all of our Region.

Southern Regional Assembly | RSES


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