Cork MASP Policy Objective 1
Cork Metropolitan Area a. To strengthen the role of the Cork Metropolitan Area as an international location of scale, a complement to Dublin and a primary driver of economic and population growth in the Southern Region. b. To promote the Cork Metropolitan Area as a cohesive metropolitan employment and property market where population and employment growth is integrated with: (i) the city centre as the primary location at the heart of the metropolitan area and region reinforced by (ii) the continued regeneration, consolidation and infrastructure led growth of the city centre, Cork City Docklands, Tivoli and suburban areas (iii) active land management initiatives to enable future infrastructure led expansion of the city and suburbs (to be assessed by Core Strategy initiatives) and (iv) the regeneration, consolidation and infrastructure led growth of metropolitan towns and other strategic employment locations in a sustainable manner. c. Seek co-ordinated investment and delivery of holistic infrastructure packages across State Departments and infrastructure delivery agencies as they apply to the Cork Metropolitan Area and seek further investments to deliver on the Metropolitan Area Goals (see Volume III ). d. The Cork MASP allows flexibility to respond to changes in planning policy, infrastructure requirements and priorities that will arise in the
area which will be added to Cork City as a result of the boundary extension, framed by the principles set out in RPO 10 Compact Growth in Metropolitan Areas, other objectives of the Cork MASP and MASP Goal 7 in Volume III. e. Support communities in Metropolitan Towns through regeneration initiatives, investment to support retrofitting holistic infrastructures (physical, social, recreational, public transport, active travel networks including enhanced filtered mobility for pedestrians and cyclists inter alia) , seek vibrant metropolitan communities with a high quality of life, mixed uses and services and seek the infrastructure led sustainable compact growth of metropolitan settlements. f. Any reference to support for plans, projects, activities and development in the MASP should be considered as referring to ‘sustainable development’ that shall be subject to appropriate feasibility studies, best practice site/route selection (to consider environmental constraints), environmental assessment including EcIA to support development management and where required, the completion of statutory SEA, EIA and AA processes as appropriate. g. The MASP seeks to protect, manage and through enhanced ecological connectivity, to improve the coherence of the Natura 2000 Network in the Region.
1.3 | Context of Other Strategic Planning Initiatives
There is a long track record of planning for the metropolitan area of Cork and wider city area, involving partnerships between both Cork City Council and Cork County Council and other key stakeholders particularly through the Cork Area Strategic Plan (CASP) - a long- established framework and process for integrated planning in Cork.
Southern Regional Assembly | RSES
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