Southern Regional Assembly RSES LowRes


1 Q 1

2 Q 2

3 Q 3

1. Compact Growth Strengthening and growing our cities and

3. Strengthened Rural Economies and Communities Strengthening the role of

2. Enhanced Regional Accessibility Enhancing regional accessibility through upgraded

metropolitan areas; harnessing the combined strength of our 3 cities as a counterbalance to the Greater Dublin Area, though quality development; regeneration and compact growth;

and improving quality of life in the Region’s diverse rural areas and communities and valuing our rural Region as dynamic, resilient and outward looking.

transport infrastructure and digital connectivity allied to transformed settlement hierarchy.

building on the strong network of towns and supporting our villages and rural areas.

4 Q 4

5 Q 5

6 Q 6

6. High-Quality International Connectivity Optimising our international connectivity through investment and increased capacity in our ports and airports and provision of high-quality digital connectivity throughout the Region.

4. SustainableMobility Transforming our

5. A Strong Economy Building a competitive, innovative and productive economy.

transport systems towards well-functioning, sustainable integrated public transport,

walking and cycling and electric vehicles.

7 Q 7

8 Q 8

9 Q 9

8. LowCarbon, Climate Resilient and Sustainable Society

9. Sustainable, Planned and Infrastructure-led Development Providing infrastructure and services in a sustainable, planned and infrastructure-ledmanner to ensure the sustainablemanagement of waterwaste and other environmental resources.

7. Diversity, Language, Culture andHeritage Enhancement

Safeguarding and enhancing our environment through sustainable development, prioritising action on climate change across the Region, driving the transition to a lowcarbon and climate resilient society.

Strenghthening and protecting our Region’s diversity, language and culture, our recreational assets, and our natural and built heritage.

10 Q 10

11 Q 11

11. Inclusive International Region Building an inclusive outward looking international Region on the global stage.

10. AHealthy and Learning Region

Achieving improved education, health and public services and facilities for all citizens and communities.

Southern Regional Assembly | RSES


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