3.0 | Vision & Guiding Principles 3.1 | Vision
Building on the consultation process in preparation of the RSES and Cork MASP, the Vision Statement for the Cork Metropolitan Area is: Sustainably develop the potential and capacity of Metropolitan Cork, which has the State’s Second City of international scale, as a healthy, people centred, affordable, socially and economically inclusive, innovative and technologically smart international gateway offering a high-quality environment, a vibrant city at its heart, supported by a network of compact metropolitan towns, connected by sustainable transport networks, serviced by a high standard of physical and community infrastructure offering a high quality of life for all. A metropolitan area that inspires pride, encourages creativity and achievement with high standards of environmental sustainability.
3.2 | Guiding Principles
built up footprint in Cork and 30% in other metropolitan settlements. Development at sustainable locations with inherent climate resilience. Integrated transport and land use: Target growth along high quality public transport corridors and nodes linked to the delivery of key public transport projects under the development of a Cork Metropolitan Area Transport Strategy including an enhanced public realm, walking and cycling infrastructure, light rail corridor, suburban rail corridor and strategic bus network corridors, all interconnecting with the city centre and connecting with strategic employment locations in the metropolitan area. Accelerate housing delivery: Activate strategic residential development areas and support the steady supply of sites to accelerate housing supply and the adoption of performance-based design standards as supported by NPF National Policy Objective 13 to achieve higher densities in the urban built up areas, supported by better services and public transport. Employment density in the right places: Re-intensify employment within the city and suburbs, activate strategic employment opportunities to complement existing employment hubs in the city and metropolitan area. Recognise the variety of established manufacturing operations/hubs and FDI investments around the city in the metropolitan area and seek to improve sustainable transport connectivity to these locations. Better alignment of growth: Target ‘catch up’ investment to support employment, infrastructure and amenity provision and/or sustainable transport links in metropolitan towns and suburban areas that have experienced high levels of population growth but are reliant on other areas for employment and/or services.
The ambition of the CorkMASP is based on the principles of a Sustainable Place Framework , as identified in the RSES Settlement Strategy (Chapter 3). To achieve this ambition the following guiding principles for investment and sustainable development are identified: A Living City and suburbs: A city and suburbs offering a mosaic of quarters, comprising of residential suburbs, strategic employment locations, commercial areas, waterfront living and the vibrant social and cultural life of a European City with a unique landscape setting. The primary retail location of the Cork Metropolitan Area. Investment must be supported in revitalising and reinvigorating Cork City for higher density living, high density high value jobs, retailing, regeneration and social inclusion. Metropolitan Engine: Combined with the city and suburbs, a well-functioning, socially inclusive and energising place providing residential, employment, health, business, political, educational, and commercial and transport functions driving the Region. Targeted growth will occur in Metropolitan Cork which has significant capacity within its hierarchy of settlements and strategic employment locations along public transport corridors. The area has a unique and sensitive environment to be protected and enhanced, a significant natural asset in Cork Harbour and offers a rich sporting, recreational and cultural offer, as well as tourist destinations of regional and national importance. Compact sustainable growth: Promote consolidation of Cork City and suburbs, refocus on the development of brownfield and infill lands to achieve a target of a minimum 50% of all new homes within the existing
Southern Regional Assembly | RSES
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