5.0 | Population Projections
The Cork MASP population growth targets to 2031 provided by the DHPLG are set out below:
Table 1 | Population Projections for the Cork Metropolitan Area
2016 Base Year Growth to 2026 Growth to 2031 Population Target 2031
Cork City and Suburbs
Rest of Cork Met. Area Total Metropolitan Area
Balance of Cork County
Core Strategies will address the alignment of the table in the Cork MASP with the new Cork City Council and Cork County Council administrative boundaries that came into effect May 2019.
public transport and /or related to significant employment provision; and • NPO 9 of the NPF. Given the ambitious targets applied to the MASP, it is unlikely that this will be required during the lifetime of this RSES. However, this will be subject to review.
The NPF and Implementation Roadmap sets out projections to achieve accelerated urban growth. They also refer to further qualified allowances. This includes scope for an additional 25% headroom (to 2026) which may be applied locally at Development Plan stages in Cork (City and County). The additional 25% headroom refers to population and not zoned lands. The NPF, (NPO 68) states a Metropolitan Area Strategic Plan may enable up to 20% of the phased population growth targeted in the principal city and suburban area, to be accommodated in the wider metropolitan area, i.e. outside the city and suburbs or contiguous zoned area, in addition to growth identified for the Metropolitan Area.
Also refer to Chapter 3, RPO 35 Support for Compact Growth in the application of these targets.
Consultation with the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government (DHPLG) and the Local authorities will be part of the implementation mechanisms to be established for the MASP following adoption of the RSES. Review processes on how targets are being achieved will be part of the implementation mechanism for each MASP. These review processes, in consultation and agreement with the Local authorities and the DHPLG, will inform the application of NPO 68.
This is subject to the following:
• Any relocated growth being in the form of compact development, such as infill or sustainable urban extension; • Any relocated growth being served by high capacity
Southern Regional Assembly | RSES
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