Southern Regional Assembly RSES LowRes

6.0 | Integrated Landuse and Transport CMATS prepared by the NTA, TII and local authorities provides a framework for the planning and delivery of transport infrastructure and services over the period up to 2040. The alignment of the CMATS with the Cork MASP Objectives is required for the coordination of policymaking and investment. ensuring people can live close to where they work. Promotion of compact growth will go some way to alleviating this over-dependence and encourage more sustainable and active modes of travel.

Whe r e p ra c t i c ab l e , deve l opmen t wi t h i n t he metropolitan area should be carried out sequentially, and lands which are, or will be, most accessible by walking, cycling and public transport – including infill and brownfield sites – are prioritised. The transport capacity of the strategic national road network should also be maintained and protected and larger scale, trip intensive developments, such as high employment density offices and retail, should primarily be focused in locations which are well served by existing or proposed high capacity public transport corridors. The growth strategy for the Cork Metropol i tan Area will require key transport investment, framed by sustainable land use and transport planning integration. Prioritisation, as identified in the following objectives, is to be developed further through the CMATS and the Core Strategies of City and County Development Plans in the Cork Metropolitan Area.

The distribution of growth must be infrastructure led, phased and provided at an appropriate higher density at strategic nodal points on the transport network to underpin the viability and successful implementation of transport networks under the CMATS. The distribution of growth must be based in integrated land use and transport. The successful implementation of CMATS will be a game changer to support the role of the Cork Metropolitan Area and achieve the National Strategic Outcomes of Compact Growth, Enhanced Regional Accessibility, Sustainable Mobility, High Quality International Connectivity, A Strong Economy, and Transition to a LowCarbon and Climate Resilient Society. A major chal lenge for Cork Ci ty is providing alternatives to the car, a shift that can only be achieved by a better balance in the distribution of activity and

Cork MASP Policy Objective 7

Integrated Landuse and Transport Planning

strategic residential, employment and nodal locations along a potential new Light Rail Corridor; Regeneration, consolidation and growth of strategic residential, employment and nodal locations along a Suburban Rail Corridor; Regeneration, consolidation and growth of strategic residential, employment and nodal locations along strategic bus network corridors.

To seek delivery of the following subject to the outcomes of required appraisal, planning and environmental assessment processes including SEA and AA as appropriate. a. It is an objective to prepare a Cork Metropolitan Area Transport Strategy. b. Seek investment and delivery of sustainable transport infrastructure as identified through the Cork Metropolitan Area Transport Strategy and delivery of e-mobility infrastructures. c . The Core Strategies of Ci ty and County Development Plans in the Cork Metropolitan Area shall allocate the distribution of future population and employment growth with the integration of land use and transportation planning principles, public transport nodal points and targets identified through the Cork Metropolitan Area Transport Strategy. d. Achieve the National Strategic Outcomes of the NPF, through sustainable and infrastructure led: • Regeneration, consolidation and growth of the City Centre, Docklands and city suburban areas;

e. Identify and deliver strategic locations for increased residential and employment use at public transport interchange locations relating to the proposed Light Rail Transit Route, Suburban Rail and the strategic bus network, where high levels of accessibility by public transport can be achieved. Seek sustainable higher densities where practicable at public transport nodal points.

Regeneration, consolidation and growth of

Southern Regional Assembly | RSES


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