Southern Regional Assembly RSES LowRes

6.0 | Integrated Land Use and Transport The principles underpinning theMASP include the effective integration of transport planning with spatial planning policies, from regional to local level and the alignment of associated transport and infrastructure investment. Airport. Transport investment requirements in the Limerick-Shannon Metropolitan Area will be identified and prioritised through the Limerick-Shannon Metropolitan Area Strategic Transport Strategy (LSMATS). Sustainable transportation is addressed in more detail in Chapter 6 of the RSES.

In terms of strategic road infrastructure, the development of the Limerick Northern Distributor Road (LNDR) is a key priority. The LNDR will improve access to the University of Limerick and the IDA National Technology Park and will reduce City Centre traffic. It will provide a direct link between Shannon International Airport, the businesses and industries in the Shannon area and the university campus. Furthermore, the delivery of the LNDR will improve transport links to the regeneration area of Moyross, across east and north County Limerick, south County Clare and onto the national road network and will open significant areas of land for potential development. between Metropolitan Areas is a priority in this MASP. In addition, collaboration is required to address similar challenges and to harness opportunities. The Galway- Ennis-Shannon-Limerick (GESL) Economic Network is a potential network which promotes greater collaboration between the metropolitan areas of Galway and Limerick- Shannon and the Key Town of Ennis. It offers potential opportunities for partnership to drive economic growth and innovation on a sub-regional basis. This potential network is underpinned by the presence of public transport and motorway infrastructure that connects the two cities on the West coast of Ireland. Increasing collaboration across this potential network can create the conditions for achieving critical mass, population and jobs growth in a sustainable manner. Interregional transport connectivity

To the extent practicable, development within the Limerick-Shannon Metropolitan Area should be carried out sequentially, whereby lands which are, or will be, most accessible by walking, cycling and public transport – including infill and brownfield sites – are prioritised. The transport capacity of the strategic national road network should also be maintained and protected and larger scale, trip intensive developments, should primarily be focused in locations which are well served by existing or proposed public transport corridors. The Mid-West Area Strategic Plan 2012-30 identified that local passenger and national freight activity return from the available rail infrastructure is underutilised. The rail links to Limerick via Nenagh and Ballybrophy are in need of investment. There is a new opportunity to examine the potential for increased line usage, given future population growth in the Limerick-Shannon MASP and Nenagh as a Key Town in the RSES. There does not appear to be an immediate need for a rail link to Shannon International Airport, but the corridor should be protected into the future and regularly reviewed. Opportunities for improvement to commuter rail services including the provision of new stations could be assessed against the location of future population growth and value for money. Enhanced public transport connectivity with Dublin, Galway, Cork and Waterford is particularly important to assist the continued growth of Shannon International

Limerick-Shannon MASP Policy Objective 6

Integration of Land Use and Transport

the NPF Compact Growth targets as they apply to the Limerick-Shannon Metropolitan Area. c. It is an objective to achieve the National Strategic Outcomes of the NPF, through the sustainable and infrastructure led: • Regeneration, consolidation and growth of the City Centre and Suburbs. • Regeneration, consolidation and growth of Shannon Town. • Regeneration, consolidation and growth of strategic residential, employment and nodal locations along public transportation corridors Regeneration, consolidation and growth of strategic residential, employment and nodal locations along strategic bus network corridors d. It is an objective to seek sustainable higher densities where practicable at public transport nodal points. •

a. It is an objective to prepare a Limerick-Shannon Metropolitan Area Strategic Transport Strategy during the lifetime of thisMASPand it is anobjective to ensure its investment and implementation. b. It is an objective that Core Strategies of local authority Development Plans will identify public transport corridors and nodal points on corridors in the Limerick-Shannon Metropolitan Area arising from the Limerick-Shannon Metropolitan Area Strategic Transport Strategy which have potential to support high density development/regeneration. Core Strategies shall identify the appropriate land use zonings for these nodal points and demonstrate the effective alignment between land use and transport infrastructure planning and delivery of

Southern Regional Assembly | RSES


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