Southern Regional Assembly RSES LowRes

Map 2 | Catchment of Waterford City Urban Core

Tramore The high level of commuting (40%) into the Metropolitan Area from Tramore reflects its attractive coastal location with seafront and close proximity to Waterford. It is a considerable recreational and amenity asset, with a relatively frequent bus route connecting Tramore to the City Centre. There is a low employment base in Tramore with a Jobs to Workers Ratio of 0.42 reflecting its role as a commuter town. Opportunities to improve the public realm and attractiveness of the Town Centre would support the sustainable development of the town as a place to live and work. NewRoss New Ross is an historic port town with a population of 8,040 (2016) offering an alternative business location with an active port facility. The Town has developed as a tourist hub and is home to the Dunbrody Famine Ship and starting point for the Norman Way. The South- East Greenway linking New Ross to Waterford is under construction and due to open 2021. The town is an important retail and service centre with its own hinterland area where a continued focus on improvements to thepublic realmandurbanregeneration in the town centre will support rejuvenation of the town. Improved linkages to the Eastern Corridor and to Waterford are a priority with limited public transport (bus) services serving the town.

Carrick-on-Suir Carrick-on-Suir is an historic mediaeval market town with a population of 5,771(2016). The Town is located on the main Limerick to Waterford N24 road and rail routes with bus and train services linking the town to the Waterford Metropolitan Area. The town is now the starting point for the Suir Blueway and Butler Trail with the Ormond Castle, walled town and mediaeval lanes supporting development of the town as a tourism destination. Priorities for the town are continued urban renewal, improved public transport links to the Metropolitan Area and a focus on local job creation

Southern Regional Assembly | RSES


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