Southern Regional Assembly RSES LowRes

Waterford MASP Policy Objective 2

c. Between the Waterford Metropolitan Area and the Key Towns and settlements in the Limerick – Waterford Transport and Economic network/axis and the Extended Eastern Corridor (Dublin-Belfast Corridor extending to Rosslare Europort & Network linkage to New Ross /Waterford) which include Gorey, Enniscorthy and Wexford as strategic locations on the Corridor. These initiatives will be progressed through the County Development Plan process, to support the economic spread from the Waterford Metropolitan Area and to stimulate employment led growth and regeneration across the wider region. d. Between the Waterford Metropolitan Area and Hinterland Towns of Carrick-on-Suir, New Ross and Tramore. e. It is an objective to support the socio-economic growth and continued investment, development and the enhancement of connectivity of the Waterford MASP Hinterland Towns including Carrick on-Suir, New Ross and Tramore.

Driving Regional Growth for the South-East It is an objective to support the role of the Waterford Metropolitan Area as a primary economic driver for the Southern Region in conjunction with the Key Towns of Carlow, Clonmel, Dungarvan, Kilkenny and Wexford, to strengthen inter-regional and intra-regional connectivity (public transport, strategic road network and digital) subject to robust route/site selection and the outcome of environmental assessments and the planning process: a. Between the Waterford Metropolitan Area, the Port of Waterford (Belview) and the other metropolitan areas of Dublin, Limerick-Shannon and Waterford, strengthen connectivity to the Southern Region Ports, Atlantic Economic Corridor and strengthen connectivity on the TEN-T Corridor. b. Between the Waterford Metropolitan Area and Key Towns in the Region, especially Key Towns in the South East.

3.0 | Vision and Guiding Principles 3.1 | Vision

The Vision Statement for the Waterford Metropolitan Area is:

Waterford aims to be a dynamic, concentric, modern European city of scale and significance, a UNESCO Learning City, driving national and regional growth, prosperity, innovation and creativity which is supported by focused investment in transformational rejuvenation across the MetropolitanArea, a vibrant and diverse University City with a high quality of life for all through a high standard of physical and community infrastructure and housing options, education, amenities and opportunities for employment .

Southern Regional Assembly | RSES


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