3.2 | Key Enablers/Priorities to transformWaterford into a Regional City of Scale:
1. The North Quays Innovation District has the potential to transform the City by extending the city centre across the river into a new integrated river side quarter with sustainable pedestrian and public transport links to the historic city centre 2. Development of Technological University for the South East (TUSE) to allow Waterford to advance as a modern European University City, supporting, innovation, creativity and enterprise in tandem with development of Waterford as a UNESCO Learning City 3. Continuing to build an attractive & vibrant city centre will give expression to Waterford’s identity as a modern, dynamic, innovative European city, enhanced through public realm and urban amenity projects, focused on streets and public spaces creating a mixed use city centre with housing, retail and cultural life; 4. Bridging the River Suir to develop new North- South Connections and support development of the Concentric City – to be progressed in a compact and sustainable manner by the integration of land-use and transportation planning, expansion of public transport services and the extension of greenways and cycleways to link existing and planned urban
neighbourhoods with one another and with the City Centre; 5. Infill and regeneration opportunities – to be identified to intensify housing and employment development throughout city centre and inner suburban areas; 6. Enhanced bus and rail public transport centred on a new transport hub located in the North Quays Innovation District and improved road/ rail network linking Waterford to Cork, Limerick, Dublin, Rosslare Europort and the East Coast will significantly improve inter-regional connectivity. 7. Investment in infrastructure to realise the full potential of the Port of Waterford and Waterford Airport will boost international connectivity for the entire region 8. Development of University Hospital Waterford(UHW) as a 24/7AcuteHospital &promote Health Care to make Waterford a Healthy City 9. Development of new Recreational Amenity & Green Infrastructure Spaces to create a Clean and Green City and Harbour for the expanded City.
3.3 | Guiding Principles The establishment of a statutorily defined Metropolitan Area for Waterford provides a new opportunity to develop the work of the Waterford and Kilkenny local authorities undertaken over previous decades and, in particular, the Waterford Planning, Land Use and Transportation Study 2004-20 (Waterford PLUTS), published in 2004.
TheWaterford PLUTS The Waterford PLUTS set out a strategy for the balanced and sustainable growth of Waterford, which proposed to bring the North Quays and the northern suburbs fully into the social and economic life of the City. The study advocated more balanced growth between the north and south sides of the River Suir. More recently, Waterford City and County Council and Kilkenny County Council have described this objective as the ‘Concentric City’. The principles outlined in PLUTs have been incorporated and developed in the Waterford MASP and provide the basis for a new set of Guiding Principles to build critical mass and transform the Waterford Metropolitan Area.
Southern Regional Assembly | RSES
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