Southern Regional Assembly RSES LowRes

3.2 | Sustainable Place Framework The NPF projects that the population of the Region will grow by 380,000 to almost two million by 2040, with around 225,000 additional people in employment. There will be between 196,000 and 235,500 additional people up to 2026 and between 280,000 and 343,500 additional people up to 2031. This will require up to 86,000 new homes by 2026 and 125,000 by 2031 and additionally, to cater for our changing population, such as social housing, upgrading and replacement of older and poor quality stock, housing for smaller families and an ageing population, additional housing responses will be required.

Table 3.1 sets out a summary of the key regional targets for structuring overall regional population growth and a further breakdown to the local authority level is included in Appendix 1. The NPF Implementation Roadmap also expands on the growth figures for the Region. The RSES recognises that the level of change required by the NPF cannot be implemented immediately. It will require several RSES/Development Plan cycles to change long-term patterns of development (which has traditionally been considered in terms of greenfield development) and the lead-in time required for infrastructure to achieve change. There are also practical factors such as the stock of existing permissions which may be built over the next 5-10 years and which are not based on the strategy.

Table 3.1 | Regional Distribution of Growth 5















561,000 - 572,000




1,781,000 – 1,820,500

1,865,000 – 1,928,500

3.3 | A Tailored Approach The settlement typology set out in Table 3.2 is a tailored response to the challenges the Region faces. It is a framework based on the pillars of our three cities, supported by a network of strategically located Key Towns, towns and villages and rural areas. The RSES also identifies key networks between our settlements, and the other two regions, to capitalise on our shared strengths.


Planning for Diverse Areas The RSES recognises the strategic role played by all areas, both urban and rural, in achieving the set regional and national targets and objectives. The RSES supports sustainable enterprise growth, services, physical and social infrastructure investment and the sustainable growth of all communities in the Region. The overall strategy builds on cities and their associated metropolitan areas as engines of growth and seeks, in parallel, to re-position the Region’s strong network of towns, villages and diverse rural areas in an economically resilient, imaginative and smart way to foster sustainable competitive advantage.

The RSES is committed to supporting people and places throughout the Region - all communities both urban and rural.

5. “Implementation Roadmap for the National Planning Framework”. See Circular FPS04/2018

Southern Regional Assembly | RSES


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