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Guiding Principles for the WaterfordMASP

Dunmore East and Tramore;

Employment density in the right places – Re-intensify employment to activate strategic employment locations to complement existing employment hubs in the city centre and near third level institutes; Social regeneration - Realise opportunities for social as well as physical regeneration, particularly in areas with pockets of deprivation; Future development areas - having regard to the long lead in time for planning and development, identify future growth areas that may be delivered beyond the lifetime of the RSES/MASP butwithin the long term2040 horizon of the NPF. For example, enabling infrastructure such as the additional bridge crossing and the Abbey Link Road at Ferrybank to support development of lands to the north of the river for consolidation and expansion; Metropolitan scale amenities – Provision of regional parks and Strategic Green Infrastructure including greenways/blueways along the Rivers and abandoned rail alignments; Enabling infrastructure - Identify Infrastructure capacity issues and ensure water services needs are met by national projects. Improve sustainability in terms of energy, waste management and water conservation; Co-ordination and active land management that focus on the development of under-utilised, brownfield, vacant and public lands; Any new development/infrastructure should be subject to robust site and/or route selection processes, which shall address all environmental constraints and be subject to the outcome of environmental assessment and the planning process. The future growth and ambition for the Limerick- Shannon MASP is based on the principles of the Sustainable Place Framework as identified in the RSES Settlement Strategy (Chapter 3).

Achieving Critical Mass through a City-focused Strategy for compact growth in population and employment; Waterford as an International Gateway supported by increased capacity and improved accessibility at the Port of Waterford & Rosslare Europort and re-establishment of passenger services at Waterford Airport; Development of a Balanced - Concentric City , North and South of the river; A living City and a Metropolitan Area with revitalised well-functioning places including large scale urban regeneration at key locations such as the North Quays Innovation District; Accelerated housing delivery to meet housing need supported by better public services and public transport; Integration of Land-Use and Transportation supporting movement by sustainable transport means; Harnessing the excellence of Education Resources in WIT and seeking the development of a University in Waterford; Building on existing higher education infrastructure and establishment of TUSE, enhance third-level provision in the city, and expand and integrate education provision more broadly in support of the designation of the city as a UNESCO Learning City and a University city; Further enhance research and innovation capability and capacity across the city and region to support development of an innovation-centred city, with a vibrant enterprise culture and support infrastructure; Recognising the City’s People as the heart of the City’s potential and utilizing key assets, particularly the river and estuarial location, linkages by sea and air and the history/heritage and tourist attractions of Waterford,

Waterford MASP Policy Objective 3

b. It is an objective to develop the Waterford Metropolitan Area as a Concentric City, with balanced and compact growth north and south of the River Suir, supported by integrated land-use and transportation; c. It is an objective to ensure quality infrastructure and quality of place is prioritised as an incentive to attract people to live and work in sustainable settlement patterns in the metropolitan area.

Investment to Deliver Vision a. It is an objective to identify and secure investment packages across State Departments and infrastructure delivery agencies as they apply to the Waterford MASP and secure further investments into the Waterford MASP area to deliver on the Metropolitan Area Regional Policy Objectives at Section 3.4, the Guiding Principles set out above and the seven MASP Goals at Volume 3;

Southern Regional Assembly | RSES


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