Southern Regional Assembly RSES LowRes

4.0 | National Enablers The following NPF Enablers are identified for the Waterford MASP:

• Public realm and urban amenity projects , focused on streets and public spaces, in the existing built footprint of the Metropolitan Area – North & South in support of urban intensification; • Enhancement of the higher education infrastructure through the expansion and development of Waterford Institute of Technology in the context of the Technological University of the South East, aligned with plans for the Metropolitan Area and the wider region; • Provision of Metropolitan wide public transport and strategic cycleway networks ; • Extension of the Waterford Greenway to link WIT to the City Centre and to the Greenway linking Waterford to New Ross; • Enhanced regional connectivity through improved average journey times by road and rail to Dublin, Cork, Limerick and the region’s ports; • Ensuring that water supply and waste-water needs are met by new national projects to enhance Waterford’s water supply and increase waste water treatment capacity; • Improving sustainability in terms of energy, waste management and resource efficiency and water, to include district heating and water conservation.

• Delivering the North Quays SDZ regeneration project for integrated, sustainable development together with supporting infrastructure, including a new pedestrian bridge or a pedestrian/public transport bridge over the River Suir; • Identifying infill and regeneration opportunities to intensify housing and employment development throughout city centre and inner suburban areas; • Enabling enhanced opportunities for existing communities as development and diversification occurs, particularly through employment, learning and education support; • Progressing the sustainable development of new greenfield areas for housing and the development of supporting public transport and infrastructure; • Development of the Link Road from Abbey Road to Belmont on the R711: • Smarter Travel improvements to Abbey Road; • Improvement of the N29 to enable employment growth at Port of Waterford, Belview;

Evolving innovative, collaborative projects will be funded through the National Development Plan (NDP) on a competitive bid basis under the Urban Regeneration and Development, Rural Regeneration and Development, Climate Action and Disruptive Technologies funds. Delivery of projects through these funds has the potential to be transformative and assist the Waterford Metropolitan Area achieve its Vision and Objectives.

Waterford MASP Policy Objective 4

National Enablers It is an objective to support the investment priorities as identified in the NPF and NDP for the Waterford MetropolitanArea and to seek progress and coordination between the principal stakeholders for delivery of these priorities, subject to required feasibility,planning and environmental assessment processes, enabling the Waterford Metropolitan Area to achieve its vision and objectives. Identification of suitable sites for

regeneration and development should be supported by a quality site selection process that addresses environmental concerns. The SRA will support the sustainable implementation of innovative, collaborative projects through the Urban Regeneration and Development, Rural Regeneration and Development, Climate Action and Disruptive Technologies funds within the Waterford Metropolitan Area.

Southern Regional Assembly | RSES


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