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Waterford MASP Policy Objective 6 (a)

c. It is an objective to achieve the National Strategic Outcomes for Regeneration through: • Regeneration, consolidation and growth of the City Centre, Cultural Quarter and suburbs; • Delivery of the North Quays Innovation District SDZ regeneration project for integrated sustainable development through the provision of supporting transport infrastructure and services;

Integration of Land Use and Transport a. It is an objective to prepare aWaterfordMetropolitan Area Transport Strategy (WMATS) during the lifetime of this MASP with all relevant stakeholders. Transport investment requirements in the Waterford Metropolitan Area will be identified and prioritised, subject to the recommendations of the WMATS and outcome of environment assessment and the planning process including mitigation under SEA/AA as appropriate: b. It is an objective that Core Strategies of Local AuthorityDevelopment Planswill identify the public transport corridors and nodal points on corridors in the Waterford Metropolitan Area arising from the Waterford Metropolitan Area Transport Strategy which have potential for high density development/ regeneration. Core Strategies shall identify the appropriate land use zonings for these nodal points and demonstrate the effective alignment between land use and transport infrastructure planning and delivery of the NPF Compact Growth targets as they apply to the Waterford Metropolitan Area.

Regeneration, consolidation and growth of strategic residential, employment and nodal locations along public transportation corridors;

Regeneration, consolidation and growth of strategic residential, employment and nodal locations along strategic bus networks corridors. d. It is an objective to seek sustainable higher densities where practicable at public transport nodal points.

Waterford MASP Policy Objective 6 (b)

Sustainable Transport It is an objective to support the following sustainable transport priorities in the Waterford Metropolitan Area subject to their consistency with the recommendations of the WMATS, the outcome of environmental assessments and the planning process including mitigation under SEA/AA as appropriate: • Relocation of the Railway Station to the North Quays Innovation District with more direct access to city centre; • Improved connectivity between the city centre and the North Quays Innovation District and wider Ferrybank area including provision of a pedestrian/ public transport bridge and proposed road bridge from The Mall to Ferrybank; • Provision of an additional Downstream Crossing to provide a link to the south bank of the River Suir in the vicinity of Maypark or Ardkeen, which would serve to create greater connectivity between lands to the North and South of the Suir, improve access to University Hospital Waterford and ease congestion on the existing crossing. The policies and objectives outlined would assist in the realisation of objectives relating to transportation; • New Link Road from Abbey Road to Belmont to improve sustainable connectivity; • Development of a Metropolitan Area Public Transport system including routes from the City Centre to WIT, Waterford University Hospital, Port of Waterford at Belview and consideration of routes from strategic settlements outside the metropolitan area including Tramore, New Ross and Carrick-on- Suir. Development of sustainable travel options to support and facilitate improved access to the City

Centre, from the wider urban area, north and south of the river by walking, cycling and public transport including Quick, frequent and convenient bus services and provision for Park and Ride facilities in tandem with the Green Route and additional cycle lanes; • Measures to encourage Modal shift to bus and rail for commuters into the city andmeasures to support regeneration, consolidation and employment led growth of strategic settlements along the Rail Corridor from Clonmel into Waterford; • Bus Services: Extensive bus network across the Metropolitan Area with longer operational hours and increased frequencies to encourage the significant modal shift from the private car to sustainable transportation; • Development of new sustainable travel routes including greenways & blueways. Potential for further extensions exists which could build a metropolitan wide cycle network with the Waterford Greenway established as a sustainable economic corridor through the county; • Development of a more Walkable City; • Support traffic calming measures to make the Metropolitan Area safer such as shared streets and pedestrian friendly environments with wider footpaths, identification of walking routes with improved signage, creation of places and spaces to meet and rest with street tree planting; • Development of the 10 minute city concept for Waterford to drive integration of sustainable mobility with land-use planning, zoning, transport infrastructure (particularly public transport modes) in local level planning.

Southern Regional Assembly | RSES


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