Southern Regional Assembly RSES LowRes

6.2 | Improved Regional Connectivity to / fromWaterford

The development of strong regional connectivity requires improved connectivity to the other two Metropolitan Areas of Cork and Limerick-Shannon and the Key Towns of Carlow, Clonmel, Dungarvan, Gorey, Kilkenny and Wexford in the South-East by road and rail. Improvements to the N25 towards Cork and to the N24 road and rail link towards Limerick-Shannon will strengthen links and develop economic synergies across the Region, supporting the role of the three Cities as a strong counter-balance to the Greater Dublin Area. Improvements to road and rail infrastructure and services along the route to Limerick-Shannon will also strengthen the Limerick – Waterford Transport and Economic network /axis and provide greater accessibility to/from Shannon Airport, Shannon-Foynes Port and to the Atlantic Economic Corridor (AEC).

Faster rail services with improved journey times and timetabling are required across the rail network in the South-East. Priorities for service improvements include the line from Waterford to Dublin via Kilkenny and Carlow and Waterford to Limerick-Shannon and the West. Investment in the rail network will support sustainable economic development of the Waterford Metropolitan Area and improved connectivity through the efficient use of existing transport infrastructure. Connectivity to the Extended Eastern Economic Corridor (Dublin-Belfast Corridor extending to Rosslare Europort & Network linkage to New Ross /Waterford) is important to link the Waterford MASP Area to Rosslare Europort as a key International Gateway for passengers and freight. A significant upgrade to the N25 including the new bridge across the River Barrow opened January 2020 has improved linkages between Waterford and Wexford/Rosslare. Retention of the mothballed rail link from Waterford to Rosslare is vital for the future development of Rosslare Europort. Any proposals for a Greenway along this route should be configured to allow future use of the rail line.

Waterford MASP Policy Objective 7

b. Improvements to theWaterford -Limerick/Shannon Strategic Transport network to include upgrading of N24 and Rail line for faster journey times and improved public transport frequencies on public bus and rail services. c. Improvements to the Waterford -Cork Strategic Transport network to include upgrading of N25 and additional options for Park and Ride into Cork and Waterford. d. Improvements to theWaterford – Rosslare Europort & Wexford Strategic Transport network to include improved road and rail connectivity into Rosslare Europort fromWaterford, recognising the important role of Rosslare Europort as a passenger and freight port for the Waterford Metropolitan Area and the wider Southern Region. e. The optimal use of the rail network, connecting Waterford at a regional and national level, in catering for the movement of people and goods including development of commuter rail services into Waterford. f. Retention of the Waterford -Rosslare Rail line for future freight and passenger rail connectivity to for Rosslare Europort. g. Measures to supportModal Change through transfer of freight from road to rail through increased use of freight sidings (or creation of new rail connections) at the ports and other locations throughout the South-East.

Regional Connectivity It is an objective to support the development of improved Regional Connectivity through development and maintenance of strategic transport infrastructure to support the sustainable development of Waterford and the South-East subject to the outcome of WMATS where applicable, appropriate appraisal, environmental assessments and the planning process. Local Authorities and public bodies including state transport agencies shall prioritise investment in the following road and rail infrastructure subject to the outcome of environmental assessments and the planning process to deliver enhanced regional connectivity: a. The maintenance and enhancement of the national roads network, catering for transport demand within the Waterford Metropolitan Area, for improved inter-urban / interregional connectivity/ reduced journey times and for improved access to international gateways, including Port ofWaterford, Rosslare-Europort and Waterford Airport, through: i. Delivery of current Government programmed and proposed national road network improvement schemes relating to the Waterford Metropolitan Area and associated inter-urban connecting roads. ii. The maintenance and optimisation of the

strategic road network’s capacity and utility, through the implementation of appropriate demand management measures.

Southern Regional Assembly | RSES


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