Southern Regional Assembly RSES LowRes

Change will be driven by the focus on making the City Centre more Accessible , Vibrant and Attractive . Funding from sources such as the Urban Regeneration and Development Fund (URDF) will support specific projects in the City Centre to drive change.

The City Centre should become more Accessible through: • New Bridges connecting the North Quays / wider North Shore & Ferrybank area to the City Centre; • Relocated Railway Station to the North Quays with more direct access to city centre on the south shore; • Improved access into the City Centre for City Bus Services and improved services under the new contract with Bus Éireann with more Bus Priority on city streets and through neighbourhoods; • Improved links to the existing Waterford Greenway and the planned Greenway to New Ross and planned cycle route to WIT. The City Centre should become more Vibrant through: • Development of the North Quays adding a mix of uses at high density and creating a new city centre quarter on the north shore of the River Suir; • Urban Regeneration to bring under-used or derelict land and buildings in the city centre and inner areas back into residential use. Regeneration will bring back more people into the City and a mix of uses which can provide flexible spaces for business and social enterprise, as well as arts and cultural uses; • Active Land Management in the City Centre to support the regeneration process; • Actions to support and develop the primacy of the City Centre for Retail supported by a Joint Retail Strategy for theMASP Area between Kilkenny County Council &Waterford City and County Council; • Actions to deliver Arts and Cultural Space in the Cultural Node and growing Festival Activity bringing more people to the City. A Key Action is to develop A Cultural Quarter for Waterford. The Waterford Cultural Quarter (WCQ) centred on O’Connell Street recognises the existing cultural assets of the area including the Garter Lane Arts Centre. Through a partnership approach the WCQ will drive the ongoing

regeneration of the area through cultural and mixed use development of this historic quarter of the city. The City Centre should become more Attractive through: • Ongoing Public Realm works improving the quality of the urban environment to make the City more walkable and pedestrian friendly; • Development of Tourism and Heritage facilities around the Viking Triangle and Waterford Glass. City Centre Consolidation and Regeneration Priorities for City Centre Regeneration include: • Continuation of the ongoing programme of urban renewal in city centre including improvements to public realm and greening of city centre streets; • Continued support for a range of measures (such as the Living City Initiative) including reductions in vacancy, re-use of existing buildings, infill and site-based regeneration to provide city centre housing and refurbished floorspace for commercial, educational, cultural and other uses; • Development of tourism sites and facilities, particularly involving the re-use of vacant property • Infrastructure that enables improved accessibility, in particular sustainable modes such as walking and cycling, public transport and multi-modal interchange, which support city centre consolidation including roads, bridges and car parking; • Infrastructure related to economic or skills development (including enterprise and tourism), digital and services infrastructure; • Regeneration works that support transition to a low carbon and climate resilient society, in an urban context.

Waterford MASP Policy Objective 9

Vibrant City Centre It is an objective to support Local Authorities and Public Bodies in seeking investment and implementation of actions to develop a vibrant urban centre focused on Waterford City Centre, including priority for investment in the infrastructure to deliver New Bridges connecting the North Quays / wider North Shore & Ferrybank area to the City Centre, Relocation of the Railway Station to the North Quays with more direct access to city centre on the south shore, improved access into the City Centre for City Bus Services, improved services with more Bus

Priority on city streets and through neighbourhoods and development of additional Greenway links through the City Centre, subject to the outcome of environmental assessments and the planning process, including: a. Support for improvements to the public realm and streetscapes. b. Investment in the culture, arts and heritage of the City Centre and wider Metropolitan Area, enhancing facilities, infrastructure, attractions and visitor experience for citizens and tourists.

Southern Regional Assembly | RSES


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