7.2 | Development of the North Quays Innovation District
Development of the North Quays Innovation District and City Centre Expansion provides an opportunity for Transformational Regeneration for Waterford and the Region through development of a modern high- quality riverside city quarter. The North Quays Innovation District provides an opportunity to create a sustainable, compact extension to the City Centre served by an integrated multi-modal transport hub around a re-located railway station and new bridges to greatly improve access to the city centre. The North Quays Innovation District has the potential to become a high profile destination for living, working, shopping and entertainment that will boost Waterford’s profile and provide a new urban district to support integration of the Waterford Metropolitan Area north and south of the river. As an Innovation District and potential Clustering Location, it can provide a Regional focus for technological advancement and function as an urban science park. The North Quays Innovation District (North Quays SDZ) comprise 8.23 ha and the SDZ Scheme prepared by Waterford City and County Council estimates that the site could accommodate mixed use development of c200
new housing units and potential, c150,000 sq.m of City Centre type development including retail, food, office, and c10,000 sq.m hotel and leisure. Required infrastructure includes pedestrian and vehicular links from the North Quays to the South bank of the River Suir (averaging 220m river width), relocation of the main City Railway Station to create a new transport hub and provision of road access and internal road network to serve the area. Facilities for berthing of Cruise Ships may also be considered for the North Quays development.
Waterford MASP Policy Objective 10
Development of the North Quays Local Authorities and Public Bodies shall implement actions to support the extension of the City Centre into the North Quays and develop a vibrant urban centre focused on the North Quays including priority for investment in the infrastructure to deliver New Bridges connecting the City Centre on the south bank of the River. All such development and infrastructure shall address brownfield and contaminated land issues and shall be subject to the outcome of environmental assessments and the planning process.
Southern Regional Assembly | RSES
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