- Availability of infrastructure and services including ICT & Green Energy - Accessible location to /within the Metropolitan Area. • Facilitate the further development of logistics and freight handling facilities necessary for a Regional Capital; • Further develop the Regional Port with commercial shipping providing strong export links to trading partners; • Identify measures to promote Green Energy; • Facilitate the consolidation of the city as a ‘Tech- Hub’ location. The global dynamics of a healthy enterprise culture and the ability to respond rapidly to changes in the business environment requires access to global markets, people and resources and emphasises the importance of international and digital connectivity for the Waterford Metropolitan Area.
create a network of innovation centres providing incubation space, business supports & links to training and skills development in HEIs and access to top quality research; • Enhancing current work at WIT, expand the range of Research and Development Institutions linked to the University/WIT to support industry development; • Support the development of a network of professional and business support services; • Focus on the use and development of Smart City technology to assist in providing: - services to business; - energy efficiency programmes; - efficient environmental management and waste processes. • Facilitate the increased diversification of available property/sites for new enterprises offering: - Office/Lab/ Industrial/Storage buildings
Waterford MASP Policy Objective 17
Enterprise Supports a. It is an objective to support the existing educational facilities in the Waterford Metropolitan Area as critical drivers of economic development and the fostering of an innovative, knowledge-based economy for the Metropolitan Area. b. The MASP recognises that the Ireland South-East Development Office and the South-East Regional
Skills Forum works collaboratively with all the agencies, focusing on key actions and opportunities that the Waterford Metropolitan Area can offer in terms of employment generation and the fostering of the knowledge-based economy. It is an objective that the Ireland South-East Development Office and the South-East Regional Skills Forum continue their work to deliver significant benefits to the Metropolitan Area and the South-East.
Southern Regional Assembly | RSES
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