8.5 | Tourism and Retail
Tourism Waterford’s physical and cultural attributes in the historic core of the City have been enhanced with high quality public realm works and the development of new visitor attractions such as the Waterford Treasures Mediaeval Museum and the House of Waterford Crystal in the Mall.
Key actions to build the tourism sector include: • Support for further development of the Waterford experience centred on the Viking Triangle and Waterford Crystal Visitor Centre; • Support continued investment in the public realm and improvements associated with development of a more Walkable City; • Development of the Waterford Cultural Quarter; • Extension of the Waterford Greenway through the City Centre and across the river to link with the
proposed Waterford – New Ross Greenway;
• Improved access to the River Suir and Waterford Harbour through, for example, sustainable tourism initiatives and opportunities for boat trips and sailing; • Development of regional scale public open space linked to development of green infrastructure. The RSES supports the further development of the Ireland’s Ancient East brand and actions for the Visitor Economic Development Plan for the Region.
Waterford MASP Policy Objective 18
Tourism a. It is an objective to support investment in infrastructure, including increased capacity of road, rail, ports and Waterford Airport to maximise the potential of tourism subject to the outcome of environmental assessments and the planning process. b. It is an objective to support the Waterford Metropolitan Area as a tourism destination. This will
require the promotion of the tourism assets in the South-East,which include, inter alia, Ireland’sAncient East, the Munster Vales, greenways, blueways, and other significant tourist locations in the South-East, subject to the outcome of environmental assessments and the planning process. c. It is an objective to ensure collaboration between Local Authorities and tourism agencies to develop attractions as part of Irelands Ancient East Brand.
Joint Retail Strategy
The MASP will support the continued public realm improvements to the city centre including development of a more walkable city centre, improved access by public transport including development of the new transport hub and development of digital technologies to support and attract consumers to a unique retail experience.
Waterford faces similar challenges to other large urban centres due to the increased spend on online retailing. The Retail Planning Guidelines published in 2012 states that ‘Joint or Multi-Authority Retail Strategies must be prepared’ for urban areas and identifies Waterford and Counties Kilkenny, Tipperary and Wexford as the planning authorities which should participate in the preparation of the Joint Retail Strategy.
Waterford MASP Policy Objective 19
b. It is an objective to protect and enhance customer experience of visiting Waterford City Centre through facilitating a mixed expansion of services including high order comparison retailing in conjunction with service, cultural and entertainment facilities in the wider City Centre including the Cultural Quarter” and the heritage experience available in the “Viking Triangle as well as appropriate and sensitive redevelopment and infill development.
Retail a. Within one year of adoption of the RSES/MASP a Joint Retail Strategy shall be prepared for the Waterford Metropolitan Area in accordance with the Retail Planning Guidelines. The Joint Retail Strategy shall include – inter alia- the defined area of the Core City Shopping Area, the location of Suburban or District Shopping Centres and a map to indicate sustainable travel routes to/from each shopping area, which prioritise cycle and pedestrian access over cars.
Southern Regional Assembly | RSES
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