Southern Regional Assembly RSES LowRes

8.6 | Stratgeic Employment Locations

The following Strategic Employment Locations have been identified in the MASP area.

1. Waterford City Centre including the Viking Triangle 2. North Quays Innovation District 3. Port of Waterford - Belview

4. The Belview Port Industrial area & associated IDA site. The Port at Belview is a strategic national, regional and county asset with good road and rail links. The role and status of the port nationally and regionally and its industrial land capacity should be strengthened to support and promote a balanced multi-modal freight transport policy that safeguards the importance of rail transport as a means of access to the Port. 5. Waterford Airport and Business Park - significant potential for the development of Waterford and the South East, in terms of accessibility, supporting economic development and tourism. Lands are zoned at this location to facilitate the development and expansion of the Airport as ‘Airport Area’ 6. The Research and Innovation Centre at WIT’s Carriganore Campus 7. IDA Business and Technology Park on the outskirts of Waterford city. In the context of the MASP there are potential synergies between the WIT ArcLabs Carriganore campus and the IDA Business and Technology Park located nearby with a view to creating an an extended Knowledge Campus in support of innovation-centred industry 8. Former Waterford Crystal Site on the Cork Road, 9. Waterford Cultural Quarter centred on O’Connell Street

Waterford MASP Policy Objective 20

Strategic Employment Locations Local Authorities and Public Bodies shall support the development of the identified Strategic Employment Locations and other potential sites/locations and provision of associated transport and services necessary to support the overall development of the Waterford Metropolitan Area, subject to the outcome of environmental assessments and the planning process.

Southern Regional Assembly | RSES


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