9.0 | Environment 9.1 | Recreational Amenity & Parks for the Expanding Metropolitan Population
The planned unprecedented growth of the Waterford Metropolitan Area will see increased demand for access to sporting and recreational amenities, parks and open spaces. Development of new regional parks and recreation areas in the Metropolitan Area is essential to provide an attractive Metropolitan Area with a high quality of life. High-quality green and blue spaces are important not just for nature, but for health and wellbeing, particularly in the context of an increasingly urban society and increasing settlement densities 47 . There is a need to strategically plan for Green and Blue infrastructure in the Waterford Metropolitan Area, particularly considering climate action strategies and plans. This is important in the context of the transformative changes that will take place in the Waterford Metropolitan Area. Natural and semi-natural assets should be recognised as ‘infrastructure’ and these assets will only continue to provide us with these benefits if we actively plan, invest in and manage them to ensure that they are utilised sustainably. Green and blue infrastructure brings considerable value to the Waterford Metropolitan Area. The better integration of biodiversity into economic and development decisions will ensure better projects and will mitigate against unforeseen negative climate change consequences.
As set out in Chapter 5 of the RSES, the incorporation and consideration of an ecosystem services approach can lead to significant enhancements in relation to planning policy and decision-making. An ecosystem services approach can be a major catalyst in bringing the different pieces of the jigsaw together while assisting us all to better understand and articulate the potential positive outcomes. A Metropolitan Open Space, Recreation and Greenbelt Strategy shall incorporate the following requirements: • Seek investment in green infrastructure and green amenities to achieve international best practice and invest in delivering a parks, recreation and amenity strategy for the Waterford Metropolitan Area. This should include the identification of a location for a Regional Scale Park within the Waterford Metropolitan Area as well as the development of neighbourhood parks and open spaces and Greenbelt area. This should include development of a network of linier walks/cycleways and open spaces throughout the Metropolitan Area and links between residential areas; • Development of an Integrated Framework Plan for the Sustainable Development of Waterford Harbour , in order to harness the economic and recreational potential and protect the environmental qualities of the area for all users.
47. Ireland’s Environment - An Assessment, EPA (2016)
Southern Regional Assembly | RSES
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