Southern Regional Assembly RSES LowRes

Waterford MASP Policy Objective 21

Metropolitan Open Space, Recreation and Greenbelt Strategy It is an objective to achieve a healthy, green and connected city and metropolitan area through preparation of a Metropolitan Open Space, Recreation and Greenbelt Strategy. This will require co-ordination between relevant stakeholders to deliver the sustainable development of parks, recreation and high quality public open space in the Waterford Metropolitan Area, subject to the outcome of environmental assessments and the planning process. The Metropolitan Open Space, Recreation and Greenbelt Strategy may include, inter-alia: a. development of a Metropolitan Open Space, Recreation and Greenbelt Strategy in co-ordination between Waterford City and County Council, and Kilkenny County Council and relevant stakeholders to deliver a network of Blue –Green Infrastructure - parks, Greenway and Blueway corridors, natural areas and habitats, functional spaces relating to flooding and drainage and pedestrian and cycling connections between metropolitan settlements. This shall include support for Greenway Extensions to WIT and New Ross. b. investment in green infrastructure and green amenities to reach international best practice and

invest in delivering a parks, recreation and amenity strategy for the Waterford Metropolitan Area. c. identification of a location for Regional Scale Park within the Waterford Metropolitan Area as well as the development of neighbourhood parks and open spaces d. development of a Metropolitan Greenbelt Strategy in co-ordination between Waterford City and Kilkenny County Council and relevant stakeholders. e. Development of an Integrated Framework Plan for theSustainableDevelopmentofWaterfordHarbour, in order to harness the economic and recreational potential and protect the environmental qualities of the area for all users f. support and encourage recreation and tourism opportunities represented by the extensive shore line, the potential to create new walkways by linking existing areas of open space and woodland and the opportunity to develop the abandoned railway line between Waterford and New Ross as a Greenway for cycling and walking, subject to the protection of natural heritage including the European sites ( the Lower River Suir cSAC (Site Code 002137) and the River Barrow and River Nore cSAC (Site Code 002162).

The challenges of climate change and the transition to a low carbon society are a key component of the RSES and relevant objectives are set out in Volume 1, particularly in Chapters 2 and 5. Responding to these challenges will be particularly relevant to the MASP and the Guiding Principles for the Waterford MASP seek to develop a balanced, compact and sustainable Metropolitan Area through integrated land use and transport planning based on support for sustainable transport modes.

Southern Regional Assembly | RSES


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