Southern Regional Assembly RSES LowRes

RPO 10

Compact Growth in Metropolitan Areas To achieve compact growth, the RSES seeks to: a. Prioritise housing and employment development in locations within and contiguous to existing city footprints where it can be served by public transport, walking and cycling. b. Identify strategic initiatives in Local Authority Core Strategies for the MASP areas, which will achieve the compact growth targets on brownfield and infill sites at a minimum and achieve the growth targets identified in each MASP. Such strategic initiatives shall comply with MASP Goals to evolve innovative approaches for all MASPs. Initiatives may include: • Support the creation and role of Active Land Management Units with a remit to focus on the metropolitan areas and compact growth targets; • Tier 1 (Serviced Zoned Land) and Tier 2 (Serviceable Zoned Land) to be identified as part of the review of the City and County Development Plans in the Region; • Partnerships with the Land Development Agency to progress housing and employment delivery in city and town centres, focusing on co-ordinating and developing large, strategically located, publicly- owned land banks, reducing vacancy and increasing regeneration of key sites; • Support the role of the local authority as a development agency to kick start regeneration processes; • Initiatives that facilitate the regeneration of derelict buildings and vacant sites for the provision of high-quality, environmentally friendly Nearly Zero Energy Building (NZEB) affordable housing; • Strategic land reserve initiatives; • Deliver design briefs for strategic sites; • Seek design competitions for key strategic sites that deliver greater density, mixed uses where appropriate, sustainable design, smart technology, green infrastructure and public gain through good design; • Active land management within designated site specific regeneration areas under the Urban Regeneration and Housing Act 2015, and other locations in need of renewal, including the use of site briefs and masterplans for a design led approach to renewal; • The identification of public realm and site regeneration initiatives which combine, on an area wide basis, opportunities for regeneration of private owned underutilised sites, public owned underutilised sites, private and public buildings and upgrade of parks, streetscapes and public realm areas; • Creation of continually updated databases identifying brownfield, infill sites, regeneration areas and infrastructure packages to enable progress towards achieving compact growth targets. Through active land management initiatives, identify strategic locations for residential growth responding to the growth targets and achievement of compact growth and employment growth.

Southern Regional Assembly | RSES


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