Southern Regional Assembly RSES LowRes

Key Infrastructural Requirements i.

Attributes •

Strong national and international connectivity linking to Rosslare Europort, Dublin City and Airport, towns of County Wexford and Wicklow and the Eastern Economic Corridor; • Property solutions to facilitate economic development including the M11 Business park/ Hatch Lab, Gorey Business Park and Ballyloughlan Business Park; • A strong vibrant town centre with renowned fashion retail, food and cultural services; • Recreational assets of Courtown Harbour and beaches, Marlfield House, attractive countryside, amenities, and good quality of life; • Affordable housing capacity on serviced lands within the town; • Wastewater treatment capacity capable of accommodating population and economic growth.

N11 Gorey to Enniscorthy including N30 link and N11/N25 Oilgate to Rosslare;


Investment in the Dublin-Gorey-Rosslare Europort rail line to protect the line and increase speed and frequency of services; iii. Transport measures through a Local Transport Plan which will include investment in sustainable transport modes, particularly walking and cycling in the town;


Funding of an intermodal transport node to facilitate sustainable travel patterns;


Delivery of orbital route and bridges over rail line identified in the Gorey Local Area Plan 2017-2023 - Neighbourhood Framework Plans; vi. Economic funding package for the further development in partnership with private investors of the M11 Business Campus as a strategic employment location for Gorey; vii. Funding to progress the development of the public realm and Market House cultural redevelopment; viii. Development of planned Gorey Regional Water Supply program; ix. Delivery of educational and amenity facilities to keep pace with recent growth in population and demographic trends; x. Delivery of natural gas to the town.

RPO 25

d. To seek investment in sustainable transport measures through a Local Transport Plan to include a public transport hub/inter-change , new road bridges over the railway line (at Ballytegan and at Ramstown/ Knockmullen) and improved pedestrian and cycling infrastructure; e. To improve the public realm and attractiveness of the Town Centre as a place to live, work and visit through key urban regeneration projects / environmental improvement schemes; f. To support the delivery of the infrastructural (including education, amenity, social and cultural) requirements identified for Gorey to keep pace with population growth; g. To support the delivery of the infrastructural requirements identified for Gorey subject to the outcome of the planning process and environmental assessments.

Gorey a. To strengthen the role of Gorey as an economic driver, leveraging its strategic location and accessibility to Rosslare Europort / proposed connection to the Dublin -Belfast Eastern Economic Corridor (port, rail and road), build upon its inherent strengths including digital connectivity, skills, innovation and enterprise, tourism, culture and retail services; b. To encourage and facilitate strategic employment development to allow Gorey Town to become more self-sufficient in terms of employment including development of opportunity sites and property solutions; c. To strengthen ‘steady state’ investment in existing rail infrastructure and seek investment for improved infrastructure and services to ensure its continued renewal and maintenance to a high level in order to provide quality levels of safety, service, accessibility and connectivity;

Southern Regional Assembly | RSES


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