Southern Regional Assembly RSES LowRes

A Strong Economy Supported by Enterprise, Innovation and Skills requires a competitive, innovative and resilient regional enterprise base. We need to foster an enterprise environment which entices people to live and prosper in the Region. To withstand the external shocks that an open economy can be subjected to, resilience and agility must be the watchwords for a sustainable, healthy and thriving regional economy. Enhanced Amenities and Heritage enriches and nurtures our community life. By acting as custodians of our wealth of culture, heritage and the arts, we are safeguarding it for future generations. Increased emphasis on attractive place making will require ease of access to amenities and services supported by integrated transport systems and green modes of movement such as pedestrian and cycling facilities.

Project Ireland 2040 | Building Ireland’s Future | National Planning Fr

National Planning Framework and its National Strategic Outcomes and Priorities of he National Develop ent Plan

1. Compact Growth

2. Enhanced Regional Accessibility

3. Strengthened Rural Economies and Communities

4. Sustainable Mobility

Transition to Sustainable Energy requires harnessing the considerable on-shore and off- shore energy sources and the roll-out of the National Smart Grid Plan. Ireland’s Transition to a Low Carbon Energy Future 2015-2030 sets out a vision for transforming Ireland’s fossil fuel-based energy sector into a clean, low carbon system by 2050. Policy interventions that promote renewable energy generation through supports such as the public service obligation levy is an example of a measure taken towards achieving this transition and achieving our climate change commitments. Sustainable Management of Water and other Environmental Resources are critical to our environment and well-being. Conserving and enhancing these resources is important for our future planning, including national water planning, regional waste water management, river basement and flood risk management. Collaboration between national, regional and local public bodies is crucial to ensuring our water and environmental resources are managed properly for the future, including incorporating a circular economic approach. Access to Quality Childcare, Education and Health Services is key to meeting the demands of an increased population, starting with early childhood care and education, investment in schools and third level institutional infrastructure. Education is central to our ambition as a nation and requires careful planning and coordination across national, regional and local public bodies. The future of the Health Service is addressed by Sláintecare, a 10-year plan for health reform which aims to deliver a universal, high-quality, and integrated healthcare system. 6. High-Quality International Connectivity 8. Transition to a Low Carbon and Climate Resilient Society 9. Sustainable Management of Water, Waste and other Env ronmental Resources 7. Enhanced Amenity and Heritage National Strategic Outcomes 10. Access to Quality Childcare, Education and Health Servi es

5. A Strong Economy supported by Ente prise, Innovation and Skills

National Development Plan 2018-27

Strategic Investment Priorities

Housing and Sustainable Urban Development


Current and planned infrastructural investment across the Southern Region will be delivered under the NDP 2018-27. The NDP is aligned to drive the implementation of the NPF over the next 10 years and thereby the RSES. The NDP comprises a €115bn programme to upgrade the State’s infrastructure in anticipation of significant population increase.

National Road Network


Rural Development


Environmentally Sustainable Public Transport


Enterprise, Skills and Innovation Capacity


Airports and Ports


Culture, Heritage and Sport


Climate Action


Water Infrastructure


Education, Health and Childcare



Southern Regional Assembly | RSES


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