Southern Regional Assembly RSES LowRes

RPO 33

Housing Need Demand Assessment (HNDA)

To support local authorities in the provision of a Housing Need Demand Assessment (HNDA) for the preparation of housing strategies, providing a robust evidence base to assist developing long-term strategic views of housing needs across all tenures and typologies in accordance with statutory guidelines and ensuring phased delivery of services including water, wastewater and transport.

3.11 | Regeneration The RSES seeks a dynamic approach to land use within the footprint of existing settlements. Urban regeneration and infill development must be maximised to achieve the sustainable compact growth of settlements of all scale. This also aims to achieve the minimum targets for new homes within their existing built-up footprints, set by the NPF. Achieving these targets will require proactive land management to ensure land and building resources within existing settlements are used to their full potential. The regeneration and development of urban brownfield and infill sites to achieve higher density populations will need to be a priority for local authority plans, with a focus given to mixed-use developments for vibrant living and working urban centres. These plans will need to seek targeted initiatives and actions that assist achieving compact growth targets at a local level for the refurbishment and upgrading of suitable vacant and underused building stock in our settlements (cities, towns and villages) for housing and other active uses. Preparing sites for regeneration may require addressing legacy issues, such as removing or treating contaminated soil and remediating the ground on site. Development Plan Core Strategies should be accompanied by specific objectives setting out the achievement of urban infill/ brownfield development and potential requirements for brownfield site remediation. The RSES recognises that infill and brownfield development is complex. Lower tiered plans will need to meet compact growth targets in an evidence based approach on availability and deliverability of lands within the existing built up footprints. Lower tiered plans may consider active plan management initiatives which are supported through RSES RPOs including Compact

Growth in Metropolitan Areas, Urban Brownfield and Infill Development and the actions of the Land Development Agency. Such examples include: • Site assembly progressed by local authorities and the Land Development Agency (LDA); • Site clearance being progressed by local authorities or LDA; • Potential incentives such as reduced development contributions for complex infill/brownfield sites. Section 3.2 Sustainable Place Framework acknowledges that itmay require several RSES/ development plancycles to achieve compact growth targets and the required level of infrastructure. Proactive approaches by planning authorities to identify key infrastructure requirements for zoned lands in accordance with National Policy Objective 72 a, 72b and 72c are supported.

Southern Regional Assembly | RSES


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