
4 EVAL™ adds value to a product life cycle � Protecting environment and productivity

Attractive and functional design � EVAL™ adds value to a product life cycle 5

Let’s see how we can put some EVAL™ barrier to good use, and just how useful it can be throughout an entire product life cycle. EVAL™ adds value to a product life cycle

Attractive and functional design

Now that we are ready for packaging, another very thin layer of EVAL™ will be enough to ensure that our vegetables get out the store with their freshness intact. We have all the freedom we need to design an attractive yet functional packaging for our vegetables. Choosing plastic makes it even easier to create just the right packaging size and shape. Almost any form is possible. Cup, tray, stand-up-pouch or another type of food packaging? Whatever your choice, our EVAL™ team can help you develop the optimum structure of your packaging.

Protecting environment and productivity

As just one example, take something good for us, like vegetables. Already in the farm field, high-barrier mulching films containing EVAL™ help get things off to a good start. Barrier films containing EVAL™ keep fumigants in the soil where they’re needed. The barrier is so effective compared to standard films that the agricultural industry created the term TIF™ (totally impermeable film). An EVAL™ layer of just a few microns helps increase production yields, reduce the amount of chemicals released into the environment, and increase the amount of safely cultivable land.

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