
Once our packs have arrived at the store, their optimized shapes fit perfectly on the display shelves. For some products, using EVAL™ means it is no longer necessary to use refrigeration, saving energy. Even better, thanks to EVAL™, the product freshness is maintained without the need for artificial additives and conservatives. Our vegetables can be safely stored and displayed for longer periods of time. Easy storage, prolonged freshness

Better packaging means reduced waste, conserved resources

Packaging is all about getting the product to you, fresh and intact. The worst thing we can do for the environment is let our vegetables go bad, which would waste all the many resources invested in them up until now, including any inappropriate packaging. That is no small achievement considering that in the developing world up to 50% or more of food is wasted before it can even be consumed. Even in the developed world, up to 30% of the food we buy is thrown away. Using functional packaging in the correct portion size is a great way to reduce waste and save resources.

Less waste

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